London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]


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146 tables in this report

  • Page 8
    Wards.Divisions and Sub-Divisions. N.= North, E. = East, W.=West, S.=South.Inspectors.
  • Page 11
    Registration District and. Sub-Districts, with their constituent Civil Parish; Area; Houses and Population, 1901 and 1911; and Separate Occupiers, 1911. (The Registration District is co-extensive with the Civil Parish.)
    Registration District and Sub-Districts and Civil Parish.Area in Statute Acres.Houses.Families or Separate Occupiers.Population.
    Land and Inland Water.Inland Water only.
  • Page 11
    CENSUS 1901. Institutions.—Persons enumerated in Workhouse Establishments and in Hospitals, &c.
    Number of District and Sub-District.Registration District and Sub-District.Civil Parish.Institution.Special Inmates (Patients, Paupers, Lunatics, Ac.)Officials and their Families.
  • Page 12
    CENSUS 1911. Institutions.—Persons enumerated in Workhouse Establishments and in Hospitals, &c.
    Registration Sub-District.Civil Parish.Institution.Special Inmates (Patients, Paupers. Lunatics, &c.)Officials and their Families.
  • Page 12
    For comparative purposes the value of the figures in these two columns is, however, seriously affected by the deaths occurring in large hospitals situated in certain Districts.
    Registration Districts.* Population.Registered from 1st April 1891 to 31st March, 1901.Increase (+) or Decrease (—) of Population.Excess of Births over Deaths (+) or of Deaths over Births (—).Gain (+) or Loss (—) . by Migration.
    1891.1901.Mar-j riages.Births.Deaths.
  • Page 13
    CENSUS, 1911.
    Registration Districts.Population.Registered from 1st April, 1901 to 31st March, 1911.Increase (+) or Decrease (-) of Population.Excess of Births over Deaths (+) or of Deaths over Births (—).Gain ( + ) or Loss (—) by Migration.
  • Page 13
    CENSUS, 1901. Ages of Persons, Males and Females, in the Borough of St. Pancras.
    All AgesUnder 1 year1—2—3—4—Under 5 years5—10—13—14—15—16—17—18—19—
  • Page 13
    CENSUS, 1911. Ages of Persons, Males and Females, in the Borough of St. Pancras.
    All Ages.Under 1 year1—2—3—4—Under 5 years5—10—13—14—15—16—17—18—19—
  • Page 14
    CENSUS, 1901.
    Metropolitan Borough.Area in Statute Acres.Houses. 1901.Population.
    In Occupation.Not in Occupation.* Persons.Persons.Males.Females.
  • Page 14
    CENSUS, 1911.
    Metropolitan Borough.Area in Statute Acres.Houses, 1911.Population.
  • Page 15
    CENSUS, 1901.
    Parliamentary Borough and Divisions.Area, in Statute Acres.Houses, 1901.Population.
    In Occupation.Not in Occupation.Persons.Persons.Males.Females.
  • Page 15
    CENSUS, 1911.
    Parliamentary Borough and Divisions.Area in Statute Acres.Houses, 1911.Population.
  • Page 16
    CENSUS, 1911.
    Average number of persons per Inhabited Building.Average number of persons per family.
    1901.1911.All Dwellings.All Dwellings.Ordinary Dwelling House.
  • Page 17
    Deduced from Observations at Camden Square, n.w., under the Superintendence of H. Robert Mill,, l.l.d.
  • Page 18
    II.—VITAL STATISTICS. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. Births and Deaths. —The number of births and deaths occurring in Public Institutions during 1912 was as below:—
    Registration Sub-Districts.Number of Inmates.St. Pancras Institutions.No. of Beds.Daily Average No. of InmatesDeaths.Births.
  • Page 20
    The births in public institutions having been redistributed according to population, the number of births and the birth-rate of each of the Sub-Districts and the District were as follows:—
    Sub-District.Number of Births Registered.Number of Births Transferred by Registrar-General.Total Registered Births.Birth Rate.
  • Page 20
    The total number of deaths and the death-rates in the Sub-Districts are set out below, 83 deaths from all causes not referable to any particular Sub-District being distributed according to population:—
    Sub-Districts.Number of Deaths.Death-Rate.
  • Page 21
    AGES AT DEATH. Under one year of age the number of deaths and the proportion per 1000 births and per cent. of total deaths were as follows:—
    Sub-Districts.Number of Deaths under 1 year.Per 1000 Births.Per cent. of Deaths at all Ages.
  • Page 21
    Under five years of age the number of deaths and the proportion per 1000 births and per cent. of total deaths were as follows:—
    Sub-Districts.Number of Deaths under 5 years.Per 1000 Births.Per cent. of Deaths at all Ages.
  • Page 23
    The incidence of this disease in the Sub-Districts was as follows:—
    Sub-Districts.Number.Per 1000 Population.Per cent. of Total deaths.
  • Page 24
    Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and Pleurisy.—These diseases, as typical of the respiratory group of diseases, caused 543 deaths, compared to 560 in 1911, 630 in 1910, and 732 in 1909; the incidence in the Sub-Districts being as follows:—
    Sub-Districts.Number.Per 1000 Population.Per cent. of Total Deaths.
  • Page 24
    The Notifiable Infectious Diseases.—The number of deaths from this group of diseases in the Sub-Districts and the proportions per 1,000 of population and per cent. of total deaths were as follows:—
    Sub-Districts.Number.Per 1000 Population.Per cent. of Total Deaths.
  • Page 25
    The Principal Zymotic Diseases.—The number of deaths from this group of diseases in the Sub-Districts and the proportion per 1000 of population and per cent. of total deaths were as follows:—
    Sub-Districts.Number.Per 1000 Population.Per cent. of Total Deaths.
  • Page 25
    COMPARATIVE MORTALITY. Throwing the Birth and Death-Rates of the Sub-Districts in the foregoing tables into one table, we obtain this result:—
    Sub-Districts.Birth Rate.Total Death Rate from all causes.Death Rates fromDeath Rate per 1000 Births.
    Phthisis.Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and Pleurisy.Notifiable Infectious Diseases.Principal Zymotic Diseases.Under 1 year.Under 5 years.
  • Page 25
    Localities.Annual Rates per 1000 living.Infant Mortality : Annual Death Rate of Infants under one year per 1000 Births.
    Births.Deaths from all causes.
  • Page 26
    The Annual Death Rates for the Year 191'2, according to the Registrar-General's Return, were in the seven largest County Boroughs and Metropolitan Boroughs at the Census of 1911 as follows:—
    County Boroughs.Estimated Population, 1912.Death Rate per 1000.infantile Mortality, per 1000 Births..Metropolitan Boroughs.Estimated Population, 1912.Death Rate per 1000infantile Mortality per 1000 Births.
  • Page 26
    T he A nnual D eath R ates for the Year 1912, according to the Registrar-General's Return, were in the seven smallest County Boroughs and Metropolitan Boroughs at the Census of 1911 as follows :—
    County Boroughs.Estimated Population, 1912.Death Kate per 1000.Infantile Mortality per 1000 Births.Metropolitan Boroughs.Estimated Population, 1912.Death Rate per 1000.Imantile Mortality per 1000 Births.
  • Page 27
    INFLUENZA. Deaths from Influenza (including a few doubtful cases) during the years 1889 to 1912, inclusive, in St. Pancras.
    Year.0-1.1-5.5—15.15—25.25—35.85 — 45.45—55.55—65.65—75.75—85.85 and upwards.Total Deaths under 5 years.Total Deaths at all ages.
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  • Page 29
    ACTION TAKEN DURING THE YEAH. During the year the action taken with regard to the prevention of the mortality of suckling infants is summarised as follows: —
  • Page 29
    Continued from previous page...
    Notification of Births.W.S.E.N.Total.
  • Page 30
    1910. 1911. 1912.
    Births.lSt Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr-4th Qr.Year1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year
  • Page 31
    The Quarterly and Annual position of St. Pancras, compared to London Boroughs and the 95 large towns, for the years 1904 to 1912, in regard to Infant Mortality:—
    29 London Boroughs.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year.
  • Page 32
    Continued from previous page...
    77 Large Towns, 1904.1911. 95 „ 1912.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year.
  • Page 32
    The Actual Infant Mortality in St. Pancras Sub.Districts per 1000 Births during the years 1904 to 1912 :—
    Years.West.South.East.North.St. Pancras.
  • Page 32
    Infant mortalituy in each of the years 1904 to 1912.
    Deaths under one year to 1000 births in the years —
  • Page 36
    TABLE A. Mode of feeding of living infants visited during the veur 1912, representing the actual number of infants visited, and the mode of feeding at the time of inquiry—that is at the particular month of age stated.
    Under 1 Month.Months.Total Infants.
    Under 1 week.1—2 weeks.2- 3 weeks.3—4 weeks.-2-3—4— 5—6—7–8—9-10-11-12
  • Page 37
    TABLE B. Feeding of infants suffering from Ophthalmia Neonatorum on first inquiry (day of receipt of Notification).
    Under 1 week.1-2 weeks.2-f weeks.3-4 weeks.Total Infants.
  • Page 38
    The number of specimens of secretion, blood and sputum submitted to bacteriological tests during the year in suspected cases of Diphtheria, Typhoid, or Enteric Fever, and Tuberculosis, and the results of examination were as follows :—
    Bacillus found.Doubtful.Bacillus not found.Total.
  • Page 40
    § 2—NOTIFICATION AND DISEASES. The annual number of cases of Notifiable Infectious Diseases certified since the commencement of notification are shown in the following table :—
    Diseases.1889 2 mos18901891189218931894189518961897189818991900190119021903190419051906190719081909191019111912
  • Page 41
    The number of cases of the Notifiable Infectious Diseases certified during the year 1912 and the Sub-Districts in which they occurred are shown in the following table:—
    Population, 1911West. 59672South. 45320East. 57047North. 58314Total. 220353
  • Page 41
    The Cas fatality. —The following table gives the number of deaths from the Notifiable Infectious Diseases in the Sub-Districts of St. Pancras :—
    Population, 1911West. 59672South. 45320East. 57047North. 58314Total. 220353
  • Page 42
    From the preceding; tables the Case-fatality of each of the diseases in 1912 appears as follows :—
    Cases.Attack rate per 1000 Population.Deaths.Fatality per cent.
  • Page -
    QuartersFirst Quarter.Second Quarter.Third Quarter.Fourth Quarter.Totals.Quarters.
  • Page -
    QuartersFirst Quarter.Second Quarter.Third Quarter.Fourth Quarter.Totals.Quarters.
  • Page 43
    Number of Cases of Infectious Disease Notified in the several Boroughs of the Administrative County of London during the Year 1912.
    Boroughs.Estimated Population in the middle of 1912.Small-pox.Scarlet Fever.Diphtheria (including Membranous Croup).Typhua Fever.Typhoid Fever.Continued Fever.Relapsing Fever.Puerperal Fever.Cholera.Erysipelas.Plague.Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis.Anthrax.Glanders.Hydrophobia.Ophthalmia Neonatorum.Poliomyelitis.
  • Page 44
    Notification of En/sipelas.
    Year.Population of St. Paneras.Number of Cases Notified.Morbidity per 1000 Persons.Number of Deaths.Fatality per 1000 Cases.
  • Page 48
    Tuberculosis Phthisis, Pulmonary Phthisis, and Phthisis.
    Year.Under 5.5—15.15—65.Over 65.Total.
  • Page 48
    During the past year the following have been the number of deaths from all forms of Tuberculosis at several ages of life :—
    Tubercular Diseases, 1912.AGES.Total.
    Under 5.5—15.15—65.65 and upwards.
  • Page 49
    CONSUMPTION (PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS). Daring the year the following action has been taken in regard to consumption : —
    Notifications of Disease (Certificates). (Private and Public Cases other than Poor Law).w.S.E.N.Total.
  • Page 50
    Continued from previous page...
    Poor Law Cases. Notices of Removal fromPrivate Address.. Workhouse.South Infirmary.North Infirmary.Central London Sick Asylum.No Home.Without St. Pancras.Casual Wards.Total.
  • Page 74
    § 3.-ISOLATION AND EXCLUSION. The cases of Notifiable Infectious Diseases removed to hospital, and the Sub-Districts from whence they were removed, are recorded in the following table:—
  • Page -
    QuartersFirst Quarter.Second Quarter.Third Quarter.Fourth Quarter.Totals.Quarters.
  • Page 75
    The number of Puerperal Fever cases notified during the four years, 1908 — 1911, was as follows :—
  • Page 77
    School Notifications of Exclusion (Patients, Contacts and Suspects), Year 1912.
    1st Quarter2nd Quarter3rd Quarter4th QuarterYear 1912.
  • Page 78
    § 4.— DISINFECTION AND CLEANSING. DISINFECTING STATION. I.— Disinfection —Rooms fumigated and sprayed and articles disinfected and destroyed during the year:—
    Disease.No. of Cases.No. of Houses.No of Rooms Contents Disinfected or Destroyed.No. of Rooms Sprayed and Fumigated.No. of Rooms Stripped and Cleansed by Council.
  • Page 79
    CONTACT SHELTER. Number of families, and of persons in families, in contact with Infectious Disease, sheltered, cleansed and disinfected.
    Date.Males.Females.Children under 10.Dwelling Place.District.Disease.Length of stay.
  • Page 79
    CLEANSING STATION. 1 .—Personal Cleansing. —The number of cleansings of the body and disrnfesting of the clothing of persons applying at the Cleansing Station for Adults and the Children's Baths:-
    Slept previous night atVermin.Adults.Children.Sum Total
    Males.FemalesTotal.10 to 15.5—10Under 5.Total.
  • Page 80
    Bedfellows also cleansed and disinfested:—
    15 and over.10—15.5-10.Under 5.
  • Page 80
    B .—Cleansing of Dwelling Places and Contents. (à) Number of rooms infested with vermin caused to be stripped and cleansed, 306. (b) Number of articles in an unwholesome condition removed from dwelling places to the Cleansing Station for purification or destruction, 285.
    ARTICLES.Purified.Des troyed.Total.ARTICLES.Purified.Destroyed.Total
  • Page 84
    § 5. —VACCINATION —The following are the Returns kindly supplied by the Clerk to the Guardians:— Return respecting the Vaccination of Children whose Births were registered in the Parish of Saint Pancras, from 1st January to 31st December, 1911, inclusive.
    Registration Sub-Districts comprised in the Vaccination Officers' Districts.Number of " Births returned in Birth List Sheets" as Registered from 1st January to 31st December, 1911.Number of these births duly entered by the 31st January, 1912, in columns 1, 2, 4 and 5, of the " Vaccination Register " (Birth List Sheets), viz.:Number of these Births which on 31st January, 1912, remained unentered in the " Vaccination Register," on account (as shown by Report Book) ofNumber of these Births remaining on 31st January, 1912, neither duly entered in the " Vaccination Register " (columns 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of this return), nor temporarily accounted for in the "Report Book" (columns 8, 9, & 10 of this Return).Total number of Certificates of successful primary Vaccination at all ages, received during each of the calendar years 1912 and 1913.
    Column 1.Column 2.Column 4.Column 5.
    "Successfully Vaccinated""Insusceptible of Vaccination."Had Smallpox."Number in respect of whom Certificates of Conscientious Objection have been received."Dead Unvaccinated."Postponement by Medical Certificate.Removal to Districts,the Vaccination Officer of which has been duly apprised.Removal to Places unknown or which cannot be reached; and cases not having been found.
  • Page 85
    1 Registration Sub-Districts.2 Number of Births.3 Successfully Vaccinated.4 Insusceptible.5 Had Small-pox.6 Number of conscientious objections.7 Dead unvaccinated.8 Postponement by Medical Certificate.9 Removals to places known and Vaccination Officer apprised.10 Removals to places unknown and unvaccinated.11 Numbers not accounted for in previous columns.
  • Page 86
    1 Registration Sub-District.2 Number of Births.3 Successfully Vaccinated.4 Insusceptible.5 Had Small-pox.6 Number of conscientious objections.7 Dead unvaccinated.8 Postponement by Medical Certificate.9 Removals to places known and Vaccination Officer apprised.10 Removals to places unknown and un-vaccinated.11 Numbers not accounted for in previous columns.
  • Page 87
    §1. -INSPECTIONS. The following were the total number of inspections and re-inspections made by Sanitary Inspectors during the year 1912, as extracted from the detailed tables at the end of this Report:—
  • Page 88
    The following were the details of the inspections and re-inspections made during the year 1912 : —
    Duties and Premises.Inspections.Re-inspections after Intimation Notices.Total.
  • Page 89
    Intimations as to Nuisances served by Sanitary Inspectors during 1912.
    Schedule of Nuisances.Totals.
  • Page 90
    Intimations as to Breaches of Statutes and Statutory By-laus served by the Sanitary Inspectors during 1912.
    Breaches of Statutes and Statutory By-laws.Totals.
  • Page 91
    Intimations as to Breaches of By-laus and Breaches of Statutes served by the Sanitary Inspectors during the year 1912.
    Registered Tenement Houses—Breaches of By-laws.Totals.
  • Page 92
    Clerical Work. From 1st January 1912, to 3 1st December, 1912, inclusive.
  • Page 93
    § 2—OPEN SPACES AND ATMOSPHERE. Public Open Spaces. —The parks, gardens, and other open spaces secured against building operations in and adjoining St. Pancras, together with their situation, approximate area, and the authority under which they are maintained, are enumerated in the following table:—
    Sub-Districts.Density of Persons per acre, Census 1901.*Garden or Open Space.Area.Maintaining Authority.
  • Page 94
    PARISH OF ST. PANCRAS. Land in the Occupation of the Railway Companies, exclusive of railways in tunnels.
  • Page 100
    Number of dwelling houses inspected under and for the purposes of Section 17 of the Act of 1900.The number of dwelling-houses which on inspection were considered to be in a state so dangerous or injurious to health to be unfit for human habitation:The number of representations made with a view to the making of closing orders.The number of closing orders made.The number of dwelling-houses the defects in which were remedied without the making of closing orders.The number of dwelling-houses which after the making of closing orders were put into a fit state for human habitation.
  • Page 101
    Buildings.Tenements.With-drawn.Separate Houses.Notes.
    Year 1912.No. comprised therein.No. for which Certificates were
  • Page 101
    These Buildings were opened for the reception of tenants in June, 1904. Excluding the first nine months when they were only partially occupied, the following figures show the loss from empties:—
    Year ended.£s.d.
  • Page 102
    The following tables gives the accommodation at Goldington Buildings with the old and the revised rentals, the former being shown in brackets:— Rooms in Flats.
    Floor.One.Two.Three.Four.Total Number of Flats.
  • Page 102
    Weekly Rentals.
    Floor.Rent of each of One-Room Flats.Rent of each of Two-Room Flats.Rent of each of Three-Room Flats.Rent of each of Four-Room Flats.
    s. d.s.d.s. d.s.d.s. d.s.d.s. d.s.d.
  • Page 107
    1.— Inspection. Excluding inspections made by the Woman Sanitary Inspector, for which see appendix to her report.
    Premises.Number of
    Inspections.Written Notices.Prosecutions
  • Page 108
    2.—Defects Found.
    Particulars.Number of Defects.Number Of Prosecutions.
    Found.Remedied.Referred to H. M. Inspectors.
  • Page 108
    5.—Other Matters.
  • Page 110
    FACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, WORKPLACES AND HOMEWORK. 1.—Inspection of Factories, Workshops, and Workplaces. Including Inspections made by Sanitary Inspectors.
    Premises.Number of
    Inspections.Written Notices.Prosecutions.
  • Page 110
    2.—Defects found in Factories, Workshops and Workplaces.
    Particulars.Number of Defects.Number of Prosecutions.
    Found.Remedied.Referred to H.M. Inspector.
  • Page 111
    3.—Home Work.
    NATURE OF WORK.Outworkers' Lists, Section 107.Outwork in unwholesome premises, Sec, 108.Outwork in infected premises. Sections 109, 110.
    Lists received from Employers.Notices served on Occupiers as to keeping or sending lists.Prosecutions.Instances.Notices served.Prosecutions.Instances.Orders made (S. 110).Prosecutions (Sections 109. 110).
    Sending Twice in the year.Sending Once in the year.Failing to keep or permit inspection of lists.Failing to send lists.
  • Page 112
    4.—Registered Workshops.
    Workshops on the Register (s. 131) at the end of the year.Number
  • Page 113
    Drain Tests. — The following table represents the results of Tests applied to Drains during 1912:—
    After Infectious Disease.Upon Complaint.Upon systematic InspectionOld Buildings.New Buildings at completion of wort.Total.
    At commencement of work.At completion of work.
  • Page 114
    § 10.—SUMMONSES. Under the Public Health (London) Act , 1891 (except in respect of food).
    Situation of Property.Offence.Result of Proceedings.
  • Page 115
    Under the London County Council (General Powers Act) 1904.
    Situation.Offence.Result of Proceedings
  • Page 116
    SUMMONSES.—MILK PREMISES. Under the Dairies. Cowsheds and Milkshops Order, 1885; Amending Order, 1886.
    Situation.Offence.Result of Proceedings.
  • Page 117
    § 2—UNWHOLESOME FOOD. FOOD DESTROYED. The following food, unfit for human consumption, was destroyed daring the year:—
    Date.Division and Sub-Division.Description of Article.Action taken.
  • Page 118
    SUMMONSES.-UNFIT FOOD. Under the Public Health (London) Act, 1891, in respect of Food.
    Situation.Offence.Result of proceedings.
  • Page 119
    Milk Sampling Analysis. —An analysis of the Inspectors' Sampling' Books and of the Quarterly Returns of the Public Analyst (omitting samples sent direct to him and not through the Public Health Department) show the following: circumstances and results as regards milk:—
    Stage of Sale.Place.Reason.of Milk samples examined.Genuine.Adulterated.Prosecutions.
  • Page 119
    The following table shows the number of samples analysed during the last nine years, and the number and percentage of adulterated samples:—
    Year.Number of samples analysed.Number of samples adulterated.Percentage of adulteration.
  • Page 121
    Summon .—Under the Stile of Foocl and Drugs Aets—Adulteration.
    So. of Sample.Article.Result of Analysis.Result of Proceedings.
  • Page 123
    I bad the following food destroyed by fire at the Council's Dust Destructor:—
  • Page 124
    The following table shows the number of animals and organs found to be diseased, nature of diseases, etc.:—
    No.Description of Carcase.Disease.Where affected.How disposed of.
  • Page 131
    REPORTS OF MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH. In addition to Annual, Quafterly, and Weekly Reports.
    Date of Report.Date of Committee, and page of the Minutes.SUBJECT.
  • Page 133
    Gross Numbers.
    The Year.Estimated Population.No. of Inhabited Houses.Marriages.Total Registered Births.Corrected No. of Deaths.Deaths of Parishioners in Public Institutions.
    Total All Ages.Under One Year.Under Five Years.
  • Page 134
    Table showing the Annual Birth and Death Rates, Death Rates of Children, and Proportion of Deaths in Public Institutions in a Thousand Deaths for the year 1912 and 10 years preceding.
    In the Year.Birth Rate per 1000 of Population.Corrected Death Rate per 1000 of the Population.Death 8 of Children under 1 year per 1000 of Registered Births.Deaths of Children under 1 year per 1000 of Total Deaths.Deaths of Children under 5 years per 1000 of Total Deaths.Deaths of Parishioners in Public Institutions per 1000 of Total Deaths.
  • Page 135
    Note.—The Deaths of Non-Residents occurring in Public Institutions situated in tne Borough are excluded, and the Deaths of Residents occurring in Public Institutions situated beyond the limits of the Borough are included.
    Cause of Death.AGES.
    0 to 11 to 22 to 55 to 1010 to 1515 to 2525 to 3535 to 4545 to 5555 to 6565 to 7675 to 8585 and upwards.Totals.Total under 5 years.
  • Page 136
    Table 3a.—Deaths Registered from all Causes for the Year 1912— continued.
    Cause of Death.AGES
    0 to 1l to2 to 55 to 1010 to 1515 to 2525 to 3535 to 4545 to 5555 to 6565 to 7575 to 8585 and upwardsTotalsTotal under 5 years.
  • Page 137
    Table .3a.—Deaths Registered from all Causes for the Year 1912— continued.
    Cause of Death.AGES.
    0 to 11 to 22 to 55 to 1010 to 1515 to 2525 to 3535 to 4545 to 5555 to 6565 to 7575 to 8585 and upwardsTotals.Total under 5 years.
  • Page 138
    Table 3a.—Deaths Registered from all Causes for the Year 1912— continued.
    Cause of Death.AGES.
    0 to 11 to 22 to 55 to 1010 to 1515 to 2525 to 3535 to 4545 to 5555 to 6565 to 7575 to 8585 and upwardsTotals.Total under 5 years.
  • Page 139
    Table 3b. Summary of Diseases.
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    Showing the number of Deaths at all ages in 1912 from certain groups of Diseases, and proportion of 1,000 of Population and to 1,000 Deaths from all causes.
  • Page 141
    Showing the Number of Deaths from the principal Zymotic Diseases in the 10 years 1902 to 1911 and in the year 1912.
    Disease.1902190319041905190619071908190919101911Number of Deaths, Annual Average of 10 years 1902-11.Number of Deaths in 1912.Proportion of Deaths to 1,000 total Deaths in 10 years 1902-11.Proportion of Deaths to 1,000 total Deaths in 1912.
  • Page 142
    Showing the Number of Deaths from the Notifiable Infectious Diseases in the 10 years 1902 to 1911, and in the year 1912.
    Disease.1902190319041905190619071903190919101911Number of Deaths, Annual Average of 10 years 1902-11Number of Deaths in 1912.Proportion of Deaths to 1000 total Deaths in 10 years 1902-11Proportion of Deaths to 1000 total Deaths in 1912.
  • Page 143
    Morbidity—Cases per 1000 population. Fatality—Deaths per 1000 cases.
    Year.Population.Small-pox.Scarlet Fever.Diphtheria and Membranous Croup.Typhus Fever.Enteric, and Simple or Continued Fever.Relaps ing Fever.Puerperal Fever.Cholera.Erysipelas.
  • Page 144
    Table of Population, Births, and Deaths from all Causes, classified according to ages and localities, occurring during the year 1912.
    PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. Non-Residents in Public Institutions within the District are excluded. Residents in Public Institutions without the District are included. Residents in Public Institutions, whether within or with- out the District, are classified in the respective Sub-Districts of their previous residence.West St. Pascras.South St. Pancras.East St. Pancras.North St. Pancras.No Address.Totals St. Pancras.
  • Page 145
    Cases of Infectious Disease Certified Notifications, classified according to diseases and ages, occurring during the gear 1912.
    PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. Non-Residents in Public Institutions within the District are excluded. Residents in Public Institutions without the District are included.At all Ages.At Ages—Years.
    Under 1.1 and under 5.5 and under 10.10 and under 15.15 and under 25.25 and under 65.65 and upwards.
  • Page 146
    T able 7 a.— S t. P ancras R egistration S ub -D istricts and D istrict. C ases of I nfectious D isease, C ertified N otifications, classified according to diseases, ages, and localities occurring during the year 1912.
    Non-Residents in Public Institutions are address.Totals.Totals. All Ages.
    Residents in Public Institutions without the District are included.0 to 5.1 to 1515 up0 to 5. 5 to 1515 up0 to 55 to 1515 up.0 to 55 to 1515 up.0 to 55 to 1515 up.0 to 55 to 1515 up.
  • Page 147
    Table 7b.—Sr. Pancras Registration Sub-Districts and District. Cases ok Infectious Disease, Ambulance Removals, classified according to diseases, ages, and localities, occurring during the year 1912.
    Non-Residents in Public Institutions are excluded.West.South.East.North.No Address.Totals.Totals. All Ages
    Residents in Public Institutions without the District are included.0 to 55 to 1515 up.0 to 55 to 1515 up.0 to 55 to 1515 up.0 to 55 to 1515 up.0 to 55 to 1515 up.0 to 55 to 1515 up.
  • Page 148
    Table 7c.—St. Pancras Registration Sub-Districts and District. Cases of Infectious Disease Certified Deaths, classified according to diseases, ages, and localities, occurring during the year 1912.
    Non-Residents in Public Institutions are excluded.West.South.East.North.No AddressTotalsTotals. All Ages.
    Residents in Public Institutions without the District are included.0 to 55 to 15up.0 to 55 to 1515 up.0 to 55 to 1515 up.0 to 55 to 1515 up.0 to 55 to 1515 up.0 to 55 to 1515 up.
  • Page 149
    Table of Deaths from Certain Causes, classified according to diseases, ages, and localities, occurring during the year 1912.
    Non-Residents in Public Institu-tions are excluded.AGES.West.South.East.North.No AddressTotals.Totals All Ages.
    Residents in Public Institutions without the District are included.
  • Page 150
    TABLE 9 A. ST. PANCRAS SUB-DISTRICTS. Table showing the Number of Deaths from the principal Zymotic and certain other Diseases in the Sub-Districts for the year 1912. Deaths not referable to any certain Sub-District being redistributed proportionately to the population.
    Sub-Districts.Population, 1912.Variola, Small-pox.Scarlatina, Scarlet Fever.Diphtheria and Membranous Croup.Typhus Fever.Enteric or Typhoid Fever.Fever, Simple and Continued.Measles.Whooping Cough.Diarrhoea and Enteritis.Total Zymotic Diseases.Rheumatic Fever.Influenza.Phthisis.Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and Pleurisy.Heart Disease.Injuries.All other Diseases.Total Deaths from all causes at all Ages.
  • Page 151
    Table 9b. ST. PANCRAS SUB-DISTRICTS. Table showing the proportion of Deaths from the principal Zymotic and certain other Diseases to 1000 Population in the Sub-Districts for the year 1912.
    Sub-Districts.Population, 1912.Variola, Small-pox.Scarlatina, Scarlet Fever.Diphtheria and Membranous Croup.Typhus Fever.Enteric or Typhoid Fever.Fever, Simple and Continued.Measles.Whooping Cough.Diarrhoea and Enteritis.Total Zymotic Diseases.Rheumatic Fever.Influenza.Phthisis.Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and Pleurisy.Heart Disease.Injuries.All other Diseases.Total Deaths from all causes at all ages.
  • Page 152
    T able 10 a. ST. PANCRAS SUB-DISTRICTS. Table showing the Number of Deaths from the Notifiable Infections Diseases, the number of Deaths at various Ages, and the number of Births in the Sub-Districts for the year 1912; Births and Deaths not referable to any certain Sub-District being redistributed proportionately to the population.
    Sub-Districts.Population, 1912.Variola, Small-pox.Scarlatina, Scarlet Fever.Diphtheria and Membranous Croup.Typhus Fever.Enteric or Typhoid Fever.Fever, Simple and Continued.Relapsing Fever.Puerperal Fever.Cholera.Erysipelas.Plague.Cerebro-spinal Meningitis.Total Notifiable Infectious Diseases.Total Deaths under 1 Year of Age.Total Deaths under 5 Years of Age.Total Deaths under 10 Years of Age.Deaths at 10 and under 65 Years of Age.Deaths at 65 Years of Age and upwardsTotal Deaths at all Ages and from all causes.Total Registered Births.Per 1000 Births.
    Deaths under 1 year.
  • Page 153
    Table showing the proportion of Deaths from the Notifiable Infectious Diseases, and the proportion of Deaths at various Ages, and the proportion of Births to 1000 P opulation in the Sub-Districts for the year 1912.
    Sub-Districts.Population, 1912.Variola, Small-pox.Scarlatina, Scarlet Fever.Diphtheria and Membranous Croup.Typhus Fever.Enteric or Typhoid Fever.Fever, Simple and Continued.Relapsing Fever.Puerperal Fever.Cholera.Erysipelas.Plague.Cerebro-spinal Meningitis.Total Notifiable Infectious Diseases.Total Deaths under 1 Year of Age.Total Deaths under 5 Years of Age.Total Deaths under 10 Years of Age.Deaths at 10 and under 65 Years of Age.Deaths at 65 Years of Age and upwards.Total Deaths at all Agesand from all causes.Total Registered Births.
  • Page 154 155
    Table 11a. Inspections during the year 1912.
    DUTIES AND PREMISES.N. 1. Highgate.N 2. St. John's Park.N. 3 Gospel Oak.N. 4. Grafton.N. 5. Maitland Park.E. 1. Baitholomew.E. 2. Camden Square.E. 3. College.E. 4. Oakley Square.E. 5. Ossulston.W. 1. Castle.W . 2. Chalk Farm.W . 3. Mornington.W. 4. Regent's Park.W. 5. Euston.S. 1 Argyle.S. 2. Mecklenburgh.S. 3. Buiton.S. 4. Endsleigh.S. 5. Whitfield.Food Places.Work Places. Women.Totals.
    E. 3 & 4.N. & E. 1, 2. & 5.W. & S.
    M. E. B.c. s. ii visitors
  • Page 156 157
    Inspections during the Year 1912— eon.
    DUTIES AND PREMISES.N. 1. Highgate.N. 2. John's Park.N. 3. Gospel Oak.N. 4. Gralton.n. 5. Maitland Park.E. 1. Bartholomew.E. 2. Gamden Square.E.3. College.E.4. Oakley Square.E.5. Ossulston.W.1. Castle.W.2 Chalk Farm.W.3. Mornington.W.4. Regent's Park.W.5. Euston.S.1. Argyle.S.2. Mecklenburgh.S.3. Burton.S.4. Endsleipn.S.5. Whitfield.Food PlacesWork Places. WomenTotals.
    E. 3 & 4.1,2, & 5.W. & S.
    M.E.B.C.S. &visitors.
  • Page 158 159
    Table 11b. Re-Inspections after Intimations during the Year 1912.
    DUTIES AND PREMISES.N. 1. High gate.N. 2. St. John's Park.N. 3. Gospel Oak.N. 4. Grafton.N. 5. Maitland Park.E. 1. Bartholomew.E. 2. Camden Square.E.3. College.E.4. Oakley SquareE.5. Ossulston.W.1. Castle.W.2 Chalk Farm.W.3. Mornington.W.4. Regent's ParkW.5. Euston.S.1. ArgyleS.2. Merklen burghS.3. Burton.S.4. Endsleigh.S.5. Whitfield.Food Places. |Work Places, WomenTotals.
    E.3 & 4.N.& E. 1,2,5.W. & S.
    M.E. B.C.S.& Visitors
  • Page 160 161
    Re-Inspections after Intimations during the Year 1012— con.
    duties and premises.n. 1. Highgate.n. 2. St. John's Park.n. 3. Gospel Oak.n.4. Gralton.n.5. Maitland Park.e. 1. Bartholomew.e. 2 Camden Square.E.3. College.E. 4. Oakley Square.E. 5. Ossulston.W. 1 . Castle.W.2. Chalk Farm.W.3. Mornington.W.4. Regent s Park.W.5. Euston.S.1. Argyle.S.2. Mecklenburgh.S.3. Burton.S.4. Endsleigh.S.5. Whitfield.Koodi*la:es. i\V 01 k Places.Totals
    e. 3 & 4.N.& E. 1,2, 5.W.&S.m.e. b.O.S.& Visitois.
  • Page 162
    Table 12a.—Intimations as to Nuisances served by the Sanitary Inspectors during the Year 1912.
    A.Schedule of Nuisances. Districts and Inspectors.N. 1. G. R.N. 2 & 3. W. L. B.N. 4 & 5. B H T.E. 1 2 & 3. C. H. T.W. 1 & 2. H. G. W.W. 3 & 4. J. I. L.W. 5. G. W. a.E. 5 R. E J.Ward 6 (Special). J. L.S. 4 E. .T. D.S. 5. J. L.S. 3. A. H. W.S. 1 & 2. E. G. H.Food Inspectors.Work Places. Woman.Totals.
    E. 4 & part of Wd.3. W.G.A.N. & E. H. R. C.W. & S. J. O.
    M. E. Bc. s. & Visitors.
  • Page 163
    Table 12b.—Intimations as to Breaches of Statutes and Statutory By-laics served by the Sanitary Inspectors during the Year 1912.
    BBreaches of Statutes and Statutory By.laws. Districts and Inspectors.N.I. G.R.N 2 & 3. W.L.R.N. 4 & 5. B. H. T.E. 1, 2 & 3. C. H. J.W. 1 & 2. H. G. W.W. 3 & 4. J. I. L.W. 5. G W. A.E. 5. R E. J.Ward 6 (Special, J.L.S. 4 E. J. D.S. 5. J. I .S 3. A. H. W.S. 1 & 2. E. G. H.Food Inspectors.Work Places. WomenTotals.
    E. 4 part of Wd.3. W.G.A.N. K. H.R.C.W. & .S J.O.
    M. E. B.C. S. & Visitors.
  • Page 164
    table 12c.—Intimations as to Breaches of By-laws and, Breaches of Statutes served by the Sanitary Inspectors during the Year 19l2.
    C Registered Tenement Houses—Breaches of By-Laws. Districts and InspectorsN. 1. G K.N. 2 & 3. W. l. b.N 4 & 5. B. H. T.E. 1, 2 & 3. C. H. J.W. 1 & 2. H. G. W.W. 3 & 4. J. I. L.W. 5. G. W. A.E. 5. R. E. J.Ward 6 (Special). J.L.S. 4. E. J. D.S. 5. J. L.S.3. A. H. W.S. 1 & 2. F. G. W.Food Inspectors.Work Places. women.Totals.
    E. 4 & part of wd.3.W.G.AN. & E. H. R. C.W. & S. J. O.
    M. E B.C. S. & Visitors.
  • Page 165
    LIST I. ST. PANCRAS, LONDON, 1912. Buildings constructed in separate and more or less severed dwellings of less than five rooms, let at weekly rentals, and self-contained or associated as to appurtenances.
    Division and Sub-Division.Name and Situation, and Number of Houses.Name and Address of Owner.When Opened.Total Number of Rooms.Dwellings ofTotal Number of Dwellings.Street Door or Gate. when shut, and by whom.Common Stair.Inter-Communication of Rooms in Dwellings. Is this Independent of the Common Stair?How many Dwellings use each appurtenance.Weekly Rental, Minimum and Maximum.Remarks.
    1 Room.2 Rooms.3 Rooms.4 Rooms.5 or more.Outside or Inside.Open or Enclos'dW.C.Scullery.Wash-house.
  • Page 166
    List I.—con. Buildings constructed in separate and severed dwellings.—continued.
    Division and Sub-Division.Name and Situation, and Number of Houses.Name and Address of Owner.When Opened.Total Number of Rooms.Dwellings ofTotal Number of Dwellings.Street Door or Gate, when shut, and by whom.Common Stair.Inter-Communication of Rooms in Dwellings. Is this Independent of the Common Stair ?How many Dwellings use each appurtenance.Weekly Rental, Minimum and Maximum.
    1 Room2 Rooms.3 Rooms.4 Rooms.5 or more.Outside or Inside.Open or Enclos'dW.C.Scullery.Wash-house.
  • Page 167
    List I.— con. Buildings constructed in separate and several dwellings —continued.
    Division and Sub-Division.Name and Situation, and Number of Houses.Name and Address of Owner.When Opened.Total Number of Rooms.Dwellings ofTotal Number of Dwellings.Street Door or Gate, when shut, and by whom.Common Stair.Inter-Communication of Rooms in Dwellings Is this Independent of the Common Stair ?How many Dwellings use each appurtenanceWeekly Rental, Minimum and Maximum.
    1 Room2 Rooms.3 Rooms.4 Rooms.i 5 1 or more.Outside or Inside.Open or Enclos'dW.C.Scullery.Wash-house.
  • Page 168
    List I.—con. Buildings constructed in separate and severed dwellings—continued.
    Division and Sub-Division.Name and Situation, and Number of Houses.Name and Address of Owner.When Opened.Total Number of Rooms.Dwellings ofTotal Number of Dwellings.Street Door or Gate, when shut, and by whom.Common Stair.Inter-Communication of Rooms in Dwellings. Is this Independent of the Common Stair ?How many Dwellings use each appurtenanceWeekly Rental, Minimum and Maximum.
    1 Room2 Rooms.3 Rooms.4 Rooms.5 or more.Outside or Inside.Open or Enclos'dW.C.Scullery.Wash-house.
  • Page 169
    List I.—con. Buildings constructed in separate and severed dwellings—continued.
    Division and Sub-Division.Name and Situation, and Number of Houses.Name and Address of Owner.When Opened.Total Number of Rooms.Dwellings ofTotal Number of Dwellings.Street Door or Gate, when shut, and by whom.Common Stair.Inter-Communication of Rooms in Dwellings. Is this Independent of the Common Stair ?How many Dwellings use each appurtenance.Weekly Rental, Minimum and Maximum.
    1 Room.2 Rooms.3 Rooms.4 Rooms.5 or more.Outside or InsideOpen or Enelos'dW.C.Scullery.Wash- house.
  • Page 170
    List I.—con. Buildings constructed in separate and severed dwellings.—continued.
    Division and Sub-Division.Name and Situation, and Number of Houses.Name and Address of Owner.When Opened.Total Number of Rooms.Dwellings ofTotal Number of Dwellings.Street Door or Gate, when shut, and by whom.Common Stair.Inter-Communication of Rooms in Dwellings. Is this Independent of the Common Stair?How many Dwellings use each appurtenance.Weekly Rental, Minimum and Maximum.
    1 Room.2 Rooms.3 Rooms.4 Rooms.5 or more.Outside or Inside.Open or Enclos'dW.C.Scullery.Wash-house.
  • Page 171
    List I.—con. Buildings constructed in separate and severed dwellings—continued.
    Division and Sub Division.Name and Situation, and Number of Houses.Name and Address of Owner.When Opened.Total Number of Rooms.Dwellings ofTotal Number of Dwellings.Street Door or Gate, when shut, and by whom.Common Stair.Inter-Communication of Rooms in Dwellings. Is this Independent of the Common Stair ?How many Dwellings use each appurtenance.Weekly Rental, mini-mum and Maximum.
    1 Room.2 Rooms.3 Rooms.4 Rooms.5 or more.Outside or InsideOpen or Enelos'dw.c.Scullery.Wash-house.
  • Page 172
    List I. — con. Buildings constructed in separate and severed dwellings— continued.
    Division and Sub-Division.Name and Situation, and Number of Houses.Name and Address of Owner.When Opened.Total Number of Rooms.Dwellings ofTotal Number of Dwellings.Street Door or Gate, when shut, and by whom.Common Stair.Inter-Communication of Rooms in Dwellings. Is this Independent of the Common Stair?How many Dwellings use eacn appurtenance.Weekly Rental, Minimum and Maximum.
    1 Room2 Rooms.3 Rooms.4 Rooms.5 or more.Outside or Inside.Open or Enclos'dW.C.Scullery.Wash-house.
  • Page 173
    List I.—con. Buildings constructed in separate and severed dwellings—continued.
    Division and Sub-Division.Name and Situation, and Number of Houses.Name and Address of Owner.When Opened.Total Number of Rooms.Dwellings ofTotal Number of Dwellings.Street Door or Gate, when shut, and by whom.Common Stair.Inter-Communication of Rooms in Dwellings. Is this Independent of the Common Stair?How many Dwellings use each appurtenance.Weekly Rental. Minimum and Maximum.
    1 Room2 Rooms.3 Rooms.4 Rooms.5 or more.Outside or Inside.Open or Enclos'dW.C.Scullery.Wash-house.
  • Page 174
    List I.— con. Buildings constructed in separate and severed dwellings— continued.
    Division and Sub-Division.Name and Situation, and Number of Houses.Name and Address of Owner.When Opened.Total Number of Rooms.Dwellings ofTotal Number of Dwellings.Street Door or Gate, when shut, and by whom.Common Stair.Inter-Communication of Rooms in Dwellings. Is this Independent of the Common Stair ?How many Dwellings use each appurtenance.Weekly Rental, Minimum and Maximum.
    1 Room.2 Rooms.3 Rooms.4 Rooms.5 or more.Outside or Inside.Open or Enclos'dW.C.Scullery.Washhouse.
  • Page 175
    Situation.Authorised Number of Lodgers.Accommodation.Notes.
    Males.Females.Married couples (persons.)
  • Page 176
    Registered No.Situation of Licensed Promises.Name of Licensee.Registered amount of breathing space in cubic feet.No. of Cows Licensed for.
  • Page 177
    Registered No.Situation.Name of Licensee.Remarks.
  • Page 179
    BAKEHOUSES, end of 1912.
    No. on Diagram. 1Consecutive No.Situations. Divisions, and Sub-Divisions.Name of Occupier.Distance of floor above or below ground level.Distance of ceiling above or below ground level.Underground Baking Rooms—U.Baked B—Bread. C—Confectionery b—Biscuits.As to Certificate and date when granted or refused, and other notes.
  • Page 180
    List VI.—con. BAKEHOUSES- continued.
    No. on Diagram. 1Consecutive No.Situations. Divisions, and Sub-Divisions.Name of Occupier.Distance of floor above or below ground level.Distance of ceiling above or below ground level.Underground Baking Rooms—U.Baked B—Bread. C—Confectionery b—Biscuits.As to Certificate and date when granted or refused, and other notes.
  • Page 181
    List VI.—con. BAKEHOUSES—continued.
    No. on Diagram.Consecutive No.Situations, Divisions, and Sub-Divisions.Name of Occupier.Distance of floor above for below ground level.Distance of ceiling above or below ground level.Underground Baking Rooms—U.Baked B—Bread. C—Confectionery b—Biscuits.As to Certificate and date Alien granted or refused, and other notes.
  • Page 182
    List VI.—con. BAKEHOUSU— continued.
    No. on Diagram,Consecutive No.Situations. Divisions, and Snb-Divisions.Name of Occupier.Distance of floor above or below ground level.Distance of ceiling above or Below ground level.Underground Baking Rooms—U.Baked B— Bread. C— Confectionery b— Biscuits.As to Certificate and date when granted or refused, and other notes.
  • Page 183
    List VI.—con. BAKEHOUSES—continued.
    No. on Diagram.Consecutive No.Situations, Divisions, and Sub-Divisions.Name of Occupier.Distance of floor above or below ground level.Distance of ceiling above or below ground level.Underground Baiting Rooms—U.Baked B—Bread. C—Confectionery b—Biscuits.As to Certificate and date when granted or refused, and other notes.
  • Page 184
    List VI.—con. BAKEHOUSES—continued.
    No. on Diagram.Consecutive No.Situations, Divisions, and Sub-Divisions.Name of Occupier.Distance of floor above or below ground level.Distance of ceiling above or below ground level.Underground Baking Rooms—U.Baked B- Bread. C—Confectionery b—Biscuits.As to Certificate and date when granted or refused, and other notes.
  • Page 185
    List VI.—con. BAKEHOUSES—continued.
    No. on Diagram.Consecutive No.Situations, Divisions, and Sub-Divisions.Name of Occupier.Distance of floor above or below ground level.Distance of ceiling above or below ground level.Underground Baking Booms— U.Baked B—Bread C—Confectionery b—Biscuits.As to Certificate and date when granted or refused, and other notes.
  • Page 186
    Registered No.Situation of Premises.Name of Occupier.Trade.
  • Page 190
    situation.Name of occupier.