London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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It was felt that the flats would let better if the rents were lowered, and your
Public Health Committee recommended that the scale of weekly rentals at
Goldingtoii Buildings fixed by the Council on the 20th April, 1904, be varied
by the rents of the undermentioned flats being reduced as follows:—
Flats of three rooms.
Seven on ground floor from 11s. 3d. to 10s. 6d. per week.
Eight on first ,, ,, 12s. 0d. „ l1s. 56d. ,,
Nine on second ,, „ l1s. 3d. „ 10s. 9d. „
Flats of four rooms.
One on second floor from 15s. 0d. to 14s. 0d. per week.
One on third „ ,, 14s. 6d. ,, 13s. 6d. ,,
These alterations were approved by your Council on the 18th December, 1912.

The following tables gives the accommodation at Goldington Buildings with the old and the revised rentals, the former being shown in brackets:—

Rooms in Flats.

Floor.One.Two.Three.Four.Total Number of Flats.
Ground118 (including Caretaker's flat and office)10

Weekly Rentals.

Floor.Rent of each of One-Room Flats.Rent of each of Two-Room Flats.Rent of each of Three-Room Flats.Rent of each of Four-Room Flats.
s. d.s.d.s. d.s.d.s. d.s.d.s. d.s.d.
Ground(4 6)46(7 0)70(11 3)106-
First(5 0)00(8 0)80(12 0)116-
Second--(11 3)109(15 0)140
Third--(10 6)106(14 6)136
Fourth--(9 9)99(12 6)126
Fifth--(9 6)96(12 0)120