London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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List I.—con. Buildings constructed in separate and severed dwellings.—continued.

Division and Sub-Division.Name and Situation, and Number of Houses.Name and Address of Owner.When Opened.Total Number of Rooms.Dwellings ofTotal Number of Dwellings.Street Door or Gate, when shut, and by whom.Common Stair.Inter-Communication of Rooms in Dwellings. Is this Independent of the Common Stair?How many Dwellings use each appurtenance.Weekly Rental, Minimum and Maximum.
1 Room.2 Rooms.3 Rooms.4 Rooms.5 or more.Outside or Inside.Open or Enclos'dW.C.Scullery.Wash-house.
S. 1Tankerton House, Tankerton Street (1 staircase)East End Dwellings Co., T. Wilkinson, Esq., Sec., 24, Old Sq., Lincoln's Inn189160......20......20Street gate of staircase lock'd at night by Assist. SuperintendentOutsideEnclosedIndependent1117/-to 8/-Notice up as to trespassers.
S. 1Loxham House, Loxham Street (1 staircase)Ditto189130......10......10DittoDittoDittoDitto1119/6 to 10/6Notice up as to trespassers.
S. 1Lucas Housk, Lucas Place (1 staircase)Ditto189224..12......12Street gate closed by tenantsDittoDittoIndependent Each dwel ling has an open fore-lobby1418/-to 8/6Each dwelling has an open space enclosed by a fence and gate in front of the outer door.
8. 1Cromer House, Cromer Street (1 staircase)Ditto189264..86..5 set of 6 rooms19Street gate closed by Assistant SuperintendentDittoDittoIndependent1117/6 to 11/6Dwellings constructed back to back.
S. 15, 7, 0, and 11, Wick-low Street (4 houses)Miss Gee, G, Long-ridge Road, Earl's Court. S.W.18936032511..30Street doors always open or ajarInsideEnclosed door at rear opening on to balconyDitto21 Tap and hopper head on each b al cony2 in basement4/-to 8/-Tower at rear, one half w.c. and one half balcony, with tap and gully. Back yard of each house used as a drying ground. Caretaker resides at No. 7.