London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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List VI.—con. BAKEHOUSU— continued.

No. on Diagram,Consecutive No.Situations. Divisions, and Snb-Divisions.Name of Occupier.Distance of floor above or below ground level.Distance of ceiling above or Below ground level.Underground Baking Rooms—U.Baked B— Bread. C— Confectionery b— Biscuits.As to Certificate and date when granted or refused, and other notes.
West Division—con. 5.—Euston.
8079191. Dromond StreetJohn Herrning7ft. 3in. below6in. aboveU.B.Certificate granted 2nd Nov., 1904.
578033, Edward StreetE. G. Warren8ft. 6in. ,,U.B.Do. 21st Sept., 1904.
1078179, Euston StreetJ. Young7ft. 6in.U.B.Do. 27th July, 1904.
1088230, Ex-mouth StreetE. A. Thielemann7ft. 6in. ,,U.B.Do. 2nd Nov., 1904.
388337, Hempstead RoadS. E. Pierce8ft.U.B. C. b.Do. 5th April. 1905. (Empty).
1228487, „W. Steel7ft, lOin. ,,U.B. C.Do. 14th Dec., 1904.
4785133, „Adam Hahn5ft. 5in. ,,1ft. 8in. aboveU.B. C.Do. 27th July, 1904.
1358610, Melton StreetH. Lagna8ft.LevelU.B.Do. 13th July, 1904.
1798739, Robert Street.. .. .. ..9ft.3ft. below....Not in use, now a hairdressers.
52886, Seaton StreetS. Skelton6ft.1ft. aboveU.B.Certificate granted 21st Sept., 1904.
1669072, Stanhope StreetK. Naumann8ft. 6in. ,,2ft. belowU.B.Do. 15th March, 1905.
8991211, Great College StreetC. Henkes7ft. 6 in. „6 in. aboveU.B. C.Do. 2nd Nov., 1904.
379282, Oseney CrescentH. Govey2ft. 6in. ,,5 ft. Gin. „..B.
679381, Peckwater StreetA. Portwood (and 46, Grafton Road)7ft.LevelU...Certificate refused 1st Feb., 1905. Not in use, bread and confectionery only sold.
959488, Torriano AvenueA. Snelling7ft. 6 in. „LevelU.B.Certificate granted 22nd June, 1904.
6395102, „A.Norton7ft.1ft. Sin. aboveU.B. C.Do. 24th May, 1905.
2.—Camden Square.
16196106, Camden Road.. .. .. ..8ft. Gin. ,,3in. below ..U.B. C.Do. 23rd Nov., 1904. (Not in use.)
128971, Camden Park RoadW. C. Schneider8ft.Level ..U.B.Do, 2nd Nov., 1904.
979820, Cantelowes RoadCharles Cardnell7ft. 6in. ,,U.B.Do. do.
6899164, Great College StreetMrs. Giesel7ft.U.B. C.Do. 12th Oct., 1904.
57100121, King's RoadE. C. ChapmanGft. Gin. ,,6in. above ..U.B. C.Do. 14th Dec., 1904.
1271011, Murray Street.. .. .. ..8ft.Level....Not in use, now a laundry.
153102179, York RoadMrs. A. E. Carpenter8ft. 6in. ,,1ft. above ..U.B. C.Certificate granted 1st June, 1904.