London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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table 12c.—Intimations as to Breaches of By-laws and, Breaches of Statutes served by the Sanitary Inspectors during the Year 19l2.

C Registered Tenement Houses—Breaches of By-Laws. Districts and InspectorsN. 1. G K.N. 2 & 3. W. l. b.N 4 & 5. B. H. T.E. 1, 2 & 3. C. H. J.W. 1 & 2. H. G. W.W. 3 & 4. J. I. L.W. 5. G. W. A.E. 5. R. E. J.Ward 6 (Special). J.L.S. 4. E. J. D.S. 5. J. L.S.3. A. H. W.S. 1 & 2. F. G. W.Food Inspectors.Work Places. women.Totals.
E. 4 & part of wd.3.W.G.AN. & E. H. R. C.W. & S. J. O.
M. E B.C. S. & Visitors.
1 Overcrowding111141516553
2 Inadequate water supply
3 Contaminated water supply
4 Foul loset. basin or trap5112751022457
5 Want of means of ventilation
6 Want of annual cleansing1629761266
7 Want of cleansing of the part or parts of premises used in common29848601513519961462369
8 ,, ,, „ in sole use732025472526413741058375
0 Want of cleansing of the room or part of the dwelling223297649
10 Animals improperly kept123
11 Other breaches314
Factories, Workshops and Work Places—Breaches of Statutes. Districts and Inspectors.N. 1. G. R.N. 2 & 2. W. L. B.N. 4 & 5. B. H. T.E. 1, 2 & A. C. H. J.W. 1 & 2. H. G. W.W. 3 & 4. J. I. L.W. 5. G. W. A.E. 5. R. E. J.Ward 6 (Special). J. L.S. 4. E. J. D.S. 5. J. L.S. 3. A. H.S. 1 & 2. E. G. H.Food Inspectors.Work Places. WomanTotals.
HI. 4 & part of Wd. 3.W.g.A.N. & K. H. R. C.W. & S. J. O.M.E. B.C. S. & Visitors.
1 Want of cleanliness19213315162
2 Want of ventilation123
3 Want of air space, overcrowding
4 Sanitary accommodation, absent or insufficient1113
5 ,, ,, unsuitable or defective235
6 ,, ,, not separate for sexes15
7 Want of drainage of floors11
8 Other nuisances11215
9 Illegal occupation of underground bakehouse
10 Breach of special sanitary requirements for bakehouses93113
11 Failure as regards list of outworkers
12 Giving out work to be done in premises which are unwholesome
13 ,, infected
14 Allowing wearing apparel to be made in premises infected by scarlet fever or small-pox
15 Other contraventions22