London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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Under the London County Council (General Powers Act) 1904.

Situation.Offence.Result of Proceedings
02, Stibbington StreetFailure to strip and cleanse part ofFined £5. Costs 10s 6d.
64, „„ £5. „ 10s. 6d.
68, „,, £5. „ 10s. 6d.
70, „„ £5. „ 10s. 6d.
7. Bridgewater Street„ £2. „ 2s. Od.
15, Wilson Street„ £2. „ 2s. Od.

Fond Infection.—As usual, the places where food is prepared and sold have
been frequently inspected and the stock examined, and with few exceptionshave
been found satisfactory.
The cowhouses and slaughterhouses have also been regularly visited. A
large number of animals were killed and dressed at the slaughterhouses during
the course of the inspections, the carcases and organs being subsequently carefully
examined with a view to the detection of disease.
The markets and market streets have been specially inspected on Saturday
nights and Sunday mornings during the four summer months from June to
Councillor C. A. Coggan and the Chief Clerk attended the annual meeting
of the London County Council on the 28th October, 1912, for the licensing of
slaughterhouses and cowhouses.
Your Council received a report from their representatives that the County
Council's Public Health Committee, upon receiving objections from their
Inspector, refused to renew a slaughterhouse license at No. 10, Charlotte
Mews, in this Borough, the reason of the objection being that guts were
kept upon the premises contrary to the provisions of the by-laws regulating
the conduct of the business of a slaughterer of cattle. An appeal was,
however, made by the applicants to the County Council on the 19th November,
1912, when the decision of their Public Health Committee was reversed and
the license in question renewed.
Objection was also raised by the County Council to the renewal of the.
slaughterhouse license at No. 3, Prince of Wales Crescent, on the ground that
the premises were unsuitable for the purpose, but at the adjourned meeting of