London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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(d) Common Lodging Houses.—There are 8 registered Common Lodging
Houses in St. Pancras, and these are supervised by the London County Council.
Rowton Houses are not so registered; of these there are in St. Pancras one at
the southern end of King's Cross Road, in South St. Pancras, and another at
the northern end of Arlington Road, in West St. Pancras.
(e) Canal Boat Dice/Zings.—During the year 76 visits of inspection were
paid to the 31 wharves on the Regent's Canal.


Buildings.Tenements.With-drawn.Separate Houses.Notes.
Year 1912.No. comprised therein.No. for which Certificates were

The Housing and Town Planning Act, 1909, now provides also for the
exemption of common lodging houses for the working classes from inhabited
house duty by section 35.
Goldingtoii Buildings.—Your Public Health Committee considered as to the
increase in the loss of rent by empties at Goldingtoii Buildings.

These Buildings were opened for the reception of tenants in June, 1904. Excluding the first nine months when they were only partially occupied, the following figures show the loss from empties:—

Year ended.£s.d.
31st March, 19065380equal to 3½ per cent.
„ 1907122110„ 8 „
„ 19082630„ 2 „
„ 1909111120„ 7.4 „
„ 1910102130„ 6.8 „
„ 191112746„ 8.4 „
„ 191219369„ 12.8 „
1st April, 1912, to 30th Sept., 1912111166„ 14.2 „

The high percentage of empties is due to a large extent to the fewness in
the number of two-room flats, as the experience at Goldingtoii Buildings,
Flaxman Terrace, and Prospect Terrace is that tenants can nearly always be
found for two-room flats, but not so readily in the case of three-room flats.
At Goldingtoii Buildings there are only 2 two-room flats as compared with 48
three-room flats; while at Flaxman Ter race the proportion is 36 to 48, and at
Prospect Terrace 34 to 36, respectively.