London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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Registration District and. Sub-Districts, with their constituent Civil Parish; Area; Houses and Population, 1901 and 1911; and Separate Occupiers, 1911. (The Registration District is co-extensive with the Civil Parish.)

Registration District and Sub-Districts and Civil Parish.Area in Statute Acres.Houses.Families or Separate Occupiers.Population.
Land and Inland Water.Inland Water only.
ST. PANCRAS2694.438.523715222462852994235317218387114305106728121012111659

CENSUS 1901.

Institutions.—Persons enumerated in Workhouse Establishments and in Hospitals, &c.

Number of District and Sub-District.Registration District and Sub-District.Civil Parish.Institution.Special Inmates (Patients, Paupers, Lunatics, Ac.)Officials and their Families.
8St. Pancras—
1Regent's ParkSt. PancrasSt. Saviour's Hospital for Cancer22-2220218
Boys' Home, Industrial School136136-743
2Tottenham Court RoadWorkhouse Infirmary, Central London Sick Asylum24413411039435
University College Hospital1618972791267
Home Hospital. Fitzroy Square22121031229
Metropolitan Throat and Ear Hospital44-4-4
London Skin Hospital743312
Oxygen Home17710918
Medical and Surgical Home44
St. Patrick's Home for Boys, Industrial School5252633
8Gray's Inn LaneCentral London Ophthalmic Hospital21129918
Central London Throat and Ear Hospital624817
British Hospital for Diseases of the Skin5-52-2
Royal Free Hospital1227646661155
4Somers TownNew Hospital for Women38-3832131
London Temperance Hospital76344261556
5Camden TownWorkhouse216687912871101793
North-West London Hospital45212429425
6Kentish TownWorkhouse Infirmary47024622485679
Casual Wards:16124532