Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]
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The Annual Death Rates for the Year 191'2, according to the Registrar-General's Return, were in the seven largest County Boroughs and Metropolitan Boroughs at the Census of 1911 as follows:—
County Boroughs. | Estimated Population, 1912. | Death Rate per 1000. | infantile Mortality, per 1000 Births. | .Metropolitan Boroughs. | Estimated Population, 1912. | Death Rate per 1000 | infantile Mortality per 1000 Births. |
Birmingham | 850,947 | 14.1 | 112 | Islington | 826,398 | 14.3 | 87 |
Liverpool | 752,055 | 18.1 | 125 | Wandsworth | 321,881 | 10.2 | 76 |
Manchester | 728,550 | 16.0 | 121 | Lambeth | 297,550 | 13.3 | 86 |
Sheffield | 460,649 | 14.2 | 106 | Stepney | 277,315 | 15.2 | 105 |
Leeds | 447,724 | 14.2 | 101 | Camberwell | 261,591 | 12.9 | 83 |
Bristol | 359,40) | 18.8 | 103 | Hackney | 222,986 | 12.1 | 80 |
West Ham | 291,90) | 14.1 | 104 | St. Paneras | 216,145 | l4.6 | 88 |
T he A nnual D eath R ates for the Year 1912, according to the Registrar-General's Return, were in the seven smallest County Boroughs and Metropolitan Boroughs at the Census of 1911 as follows :—
County Boroughs. | Estimated Population, 1912. | Death Kate per 1000. | Infantile Mortality per 1000 Births. | Metropolitan Boroughs. | Estimated Population, 1912. | Death Rate per 1000. | Imantile Mortality per 1000 Births. |
Gloucester | 50,310 | 13.5 | 103 | London (City) | 18,695 | 13.6 | 91 |
Dudley | 51,390 | 14.1 | 116 | Holborn | 48,026 | 15.8 | 80 |
Swindon | 51,512 | 10.8 | 76 | Stoke Newingtou | 50,581 | 12.1 | 72 |
Aberdare | 51,819 | 13.7 | 115 | Chelsea | 65,397 | 14.6 | 68 |
Barnsley | 51,876 | 14.0 | 100 | Hampstead | 85,966 | 9.8 | 62 |
Wakefield | 51,942 | 13.6 | 90 | Finsbury | 86,130 | 18.8 | 114 |
Stockton | 52,214 | 15.0 | 91 | Greenwich | 95,994 | 13.1 | 84 |
London, Death Rate : 13.6. Highest—Finsbury, 18.8.
Lowest—Hampstead, 9.8.
The Annual Death Rates during the Year 1912, according to
the Medical Officer of Health, were as follows :—
Uncertified Deaths in St. Pancras 2
St. Pancras—Estimated Population, 220,353. Corrected Number of Births, 5,.{67.
Corrected number of Deaths, 3,157. Number of Deaths under 1 year, 472.
Birth Rate, 24.4. Death Rate, 14.3. Infantile Mortality Rate, 88.
London—Estimated Population, 4,519,754. Number of Births, 110,353.
Corrected number of Deaths, 61,100. Number of Deaths under 1 year, 10,056.
Birth Rate, 24.5. Death Rate, 13.6. Infantile Mortality Rate, 91.
The Number of Dangerous Infectious Diseases notified and the Notification Rate
during the year were as follows :—
St. Pancras—Estimated Population, 220,353. Cases notified 1,411
Notification Rate per 1000 population 6.4
London—Estimated Population, 4,519,754. Cases notified 23,611
Notification Rate per 1000 population 5.2