London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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1.—Inspection of Factories, Workshops, and Workplaces.

Including Inspections made by Sanitary Inspectors.

Premises.Number of
Inspections.Written Notices.Prosecutions.
FactoriesIncluding Factory Laundries)2
Workshops (Including Workshop Laundries)13
Workplaces (Other than Outworkers' premises included in Part 3 of this Report)

2.—Defects found in Factories, Workshops and Workplaces.

Particulars.Number of Defects.Number of Prosecutions.
Found.Remedied.Referred to H.M. Inspector.
Nuisances under the Public Health Acts:—
Want of cleanliness11
Want of ventilation
Want of drainage of floors
Other nuisances
Sanitary accommodationinsufficient
unsuitable or defective
not separate for sexe322
Offences under the Factory and Workshop Act:—
Illegal occupation of underground bakehouse (s. 101)
Breach of special sanitary requirements for bakehouses (ss. 97 to 100)
Other offences (Excluding offences relating to outwork which are included in Part 3 of this Report.)

*Including those specified in sections 2, 3, 7 and 8 of the Factory and Workshop Act
as remediable under the Public Health Acts.