London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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4.—Registered Workshops.

Workshops on the Register (s. 131) at the end of the year.Number
Ordinary Workshops404
Workshop Laundries74
Domestic Work shops71
Total number of workshops on Register549
5,—Other Matters.
Class (1)Number (2)
Matters notified to H.M. Inspector of Factories:—
Failure to affix Abstract of the Factory and Workshop Act (s. 133)
Action taken in matters referred by H.M. Inspector as remediable under thePublic Health Acts, but not under the Factory and Workshop Act (s. 5)Notified by H.M. Inspector1
Reports (of action taken) sent to H.M. Inspector1
Underground bakehouses (s. 101):—
Certificates granted during the year
In use at the end of the year

Metropolitan Water Board.
Number of Notices as to houses from which water has been cut off: —
1.—Demolition 51
2.—Empty 8
3.—Leakage 2
4.—Non-payment of Rates 11
5.—No statement 1
6.—By request 8