London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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List I.—con. Buildings constructed in separate and severed dwellings.—continued.

Division and Sub-Division.Name and Situation, and Number of Houses.Name and Address of Owner.When Opened.Total Number of Rooms.Dwellings ofTotal Number of Dwellings.Street Door or Gate, when shut, and by whom.Common Stair.Inter-Communication of Rooms in Dwellings. Is this Independent of the Common Stair ?How many Dwellings use each appurtenance.Weekly Rental, Minimum and Maximum.
1 Room2 Rooms.3 Rooms.4 Rooms.5 or more.Outside or Inside.Open or Enclos'dW.C.Scullery.Wash-house.
E. 4Pancras Square Panel as Read (5 sta ircases. Balconies')Metropolitan Association of Industrial Dwellings ; Ed. H. Merston, Esq.,Sec.,Pancras Square, N.W.1847285..1883....101Gate closed at night by SuperintendentOutside..Independent11All5/6 to 0/6Centre blocks have 1 w.c. to each tenement. At wings of block 1 w.c. to every two tenements. Superintendent resides in one of the buildings.
E. 5Ossulston Houses, Ossulston Street (4 houses)Hampden House, Ltd.1884210....70....70Gates to staircases closed at night by SuperintendentInsideOpenDitto1118/6 to 9/-Sculleries not included as rooms. Caretaker of Hampden House performs duties as to lighting, Ac.
E 5Stanley Buildings, Pancras Road (5 staircases)Improved Industrial Dwellings Co., 37, Finsbury Square, E.C ; Jas. Moore, Esq., Sec.1865244..5048....98Gates to stairs. Always openOutside..Ditto1116/-to 8/-Superintendent resides in one of the buildings. Sculleries not included as rooms.
E. 5Polygon Buildings, Clarendon Square (12 houses)Midland Railway Co.1894576969696....288Gates to courtyards always open. Doors to buildings closed at night by caretakersInsideEnclosed.Ditto21 on each floor six dwellingsAll (on roof)2/6 to 7/6Two caretakers reside in one or other of buildings, one for each pair of blocks. Company's servants given preference.
E.166, Ossulston Street (1 staircase and balconies)Mrs. Wark. The Old Hall, High-gate188024..12......12No street door or gateOutsideNot severed. Every two dwellings within one outer door and closed lobby4Tap and sink in kitchenAll (on roof)6/6 to 7/-Dwellings of two rooms, with one entrance from closed lobby common to 2 dwellings with 1 outer door opening on to outside stone staircase. No resident caretaker.