London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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The substitution of mechanical for horse traction is rapidly reducing theamount
of horse droppings in the roadways and the amount of manure stored
in mews, and incidentally the number of flies.
§ 9— NUISANCES, &c.
Offensive Trades.—The two licensed noxious trade premises in St. Pancras
have been regularly inspected, and the tallow-melting works in Tudor Place
have been kept under continual observation.
Effluvia Businesses.—In addition to the above businesses producing offensive
effluvia, the businesses of a vendor of fried fish, a fish-curer, and a rag and
bone dealer have been brought under control by Section 10, Part II., Sanitary
Provisions, of the London County Council (General Powers) Act, 1898. By
this section the County Council may make by-laws for regulating the conduct
of these businesses, and with respect to the premises, utensils, and appliances
used in connection with these businesses, and it is the duty of the Borough
Councils to enforce these by-laws. The framing of these by-laws is still
under consideration.
Smoke.— During the year the usual observations of smoke shafts were made
by the Inspectors, and re-inspections made after notices served.
The Inspectors limit their observations of a chimney to half an hour, and
only prolong the observation beyond this period so long as a nuisance is
actually being committed.


Under the Public Health (London) Act , 1891 (except in respect

of food).

Situation of Property.Offence.Result of Proceedings.
9, Chitty StreetDrain defectiveFined 1s. Costs £1 3s.
30, 33, 34 and 40, Little Clarendon StreetFailling to provide proper dustbinsSummonses withdrawn. Dust receptacles supplied pending adjourned hearing
32, Little Clarendon StreetFined £2. Costs £1 1s.
40,„ £2. „ 2s.
7, Bridgewater StreetFailing to cleanse part of„ £1. „ 2s.
37, Crowndale Road,, ventilate soilpipe„ £2. ,, 12s. 6d.
Under the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, Sec. 202.
Situation.Offence.Result of Proceedings.
11, Litcham StreetFailing to ventilate drainFined 5s. Costs 2s