London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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List I.—con. Buildings constructed in separate and severed dwellings—continued.

Division and Sub-Division.Name and Situation, and Number of Houses.Name and Address of Owner.When Opened.Total Number of Rooms.Dwellings ofTotal Number of Dwellings.Street Door or Gate, when shut, and by whom.Common Stair.Inter-Communication of Rooms in Dwellings. Is this Independent of the Common Stair ?How many Dwellings use each appurtenance.Weekly Rental, Minimum and Maximum.
1 Room.2 Rooms.3 Rooms.4 Rooms.5 or more.Outside or InsideOpen or Enelos'dW.C.Scullery.Wash- house.
S. 1Whidborne Buildings, Whidborne Street (4 staircases)East End Dwellings Co., 24, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn; Superintendent, Midhope Buildings, Mid-hope Street, St. Pancras1892-3254555629......1-10Street gate of courtyard always openOutside...Independent2 to 44 to 8All2/9 to 9/-Sculleriesconsist of sinks and taps on balconies. Washhouses in a separate building.
S. 1Ferris House, Whidborne Street (1 house)East End Dwellings Co.; T.Wilkinson, Esq., Sec., 24, Old Sq., Lincoln's Inn18928...12......3Street door closed at night by tenantsInsideEnclosedNot severed Every room opens on to landings of staircase1112/6 10 8/3W.C., scullery, and washhouse, and each of 3 habitable rooms open separately on to landing of each floor.
S.1Midhope Buildings, Midhope Street (4 staircases)Ditto189223525105.........130Street gate of courtyard always openOutside...Independent2 to 44 to 8All2/-to 6/-6/- and 12/-Sculleries consist of taps and sinks on balconies. Washhouse in a separate building. Superintendent of estate resides in these buildings.
S. 1Charlwood House, Midhope Street (1 staircase)Ditto189382...8612...26Street gate of staircase lock'd at night by Assist. SuperintendentDittoEnclosedDitto1117/6 to 8/6Notice up as to trespassers. Sculleries not included as rooms.
S. 1Kellett House, Tankerton Street (1 staircase)Ditto189368......128...20DittoDittoDitto *Ditto11110/6. to 12/-Notice up as to trespassers. Sculleries not included as rooms.