London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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List VI.—con. BAKEHOUSES- continued.

No. on Diagram. 1Consecutive No.Situations. Divisions, and Sub-Divisions.Name of Occupier.Distance of floor above or below ground level.Distance of ceiling above or below ground level.Underground Baking Rooms—U.Baked B—Bread. C—Confectionery b—Biscuits.As to Certificate and date when granted or refused, and other notes.
North Division—con.
1724160, Weedington RoadF. HookLevel8ft. above..B. C.
202010, Dalby StreetW. BrennerLevel7ft. 6in. above..B. C.
352646, Grafton RoadA. Portwood2ft. below5ft. 6in. „..B.
9327265, Kentish Town KoadRose Konig7ft. 6in. belowLevelU.B. C.Certificate granted 13th July, 1904.
1028321, „ „James B. StoreyLevel8ft. 6in. above..B. C.
1529385, „ „A. ZwanzigerLevel8ft. 2in. „..B. C.
493013, Warden RoadErnest Boger5ft. 6in. below1ft. 4in. „U.B.Do. 2nd Nov., 1904.
483170, Weedington RoadW. Restorick6ft. 6in. „2ft. 2in. „U.B.Do. 27th July, 1904.
5.—Maitland Park.
393229, Maiden RoadChristopher Vogel2ft. 9in. below4ft. 9in. above..B.
1753353, „Lutz Bros.8ft. 6in. „1ft. 3in. belowU.B. C.Certificate granted 27tli July, 1904
11234110, „N. Liell7ft. 6in. „9in. „U.B. C.Do 2nd Nov , 1904
15535143, „F Franz8ft 6in. „LevelU.B.Do. 13th July, 1904
3836160, Prince of Wales RoadAhrendt Bros2ft. 6in. „5ft. above..B. C.
1463772, Queen's CrescentK. Menton8ft. „6in. belowU.B. C.Do. 12th Oct., 1904
663869, Weedington RoadJohn Sondenheimer7ft. „LevelU.B.Do. do.
1. — Castle.
533954, Castle RoadM. Aurbon6ft. 5in. belowLevelU.B.Certificate granted 5th April, 1905.
1724019, Chalk Farm RoadChadney &' Macdonald9ft. „LevelU.B. C.Do. 14th Dec., 1904.
1184148, „ „J. K. Jung7ft. 9in. „3in. belowU.B. C.Do. 22nd Feb., 1905.
254276, „ „.. .. .. ..Level7ft. 6in. above..B. C.Now a printers.
194387, „ „.. .. .. ..Level „7ft. 10in. „..B.Empty.
264436, Harmood StreetW. RiddleLevel „7ft. 6in...B. C.
7345108, „Letitia Streeton7ft. below..LevelU.B.Certificate refused 1st Feb , 1905. Bakehouse now closed.
1524651, Hawley RoadC.Viet8ft. Sin. belowSin. belowU.B.Certificate granted 22nd June, 1904.
1054781, Kentish Town RoadC. Thorp7ft. 6in belowLevelU.B. C.Do. 21st Sept, 1904.
1148143, „ „... .. .. .... .. .. .... .. .. ......Demolished.
13349151, „ „H. Reiff8ft. below ..LevelU.B.C.Certificate granted 15th Mar., 1905.
1065022, Leybourne RoadP Schmidt7ft. 6in. belowLevelU.B.Do. 11th Jan., 1905.
865163,Prince of Wales CrescentW. Bishop7ft. 5in. „LevelU.B.Do. 27th July, 1904.
51a7, „ „Letitia StreetonLevel9ft. 9in. above..B.