London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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List I.— con. Buildings constructed in separate and several dwellings —continued.

Division and Sub-Division.Name and Situation, and Number of Houses.Name and Address of Owner.When Opened.Total Number of Rooms.Dwellings ofTotal Number of Dwellings.Street Door or Gate, when shut, and by whom.Common Stair.Inter-Communication of Rooms in Dwellings Is this Independent of the Common Stair ?How many Dwellings use each appurtenanceWeekly Rental, Minimum and Maximum.
1 Room2 Rooms.3 Rooms.4 Rooms.i 5 1 or more.Outside or Inside.Open or Enclos'dW.C.Scullery.Wash-house.
E 5Phœnix Buildings Phœnix StreetHampden House, Ltd.190128..56....11Street door closed at night by tenantsInsideEnclosedIndependent21All7/6 to 10/6Caretaker from Hampden House performs duties as to lighting, &c. No dust shoot®. Galvanised bins in yard.
E. 5Wellesley Buildings, Seymour StreetLondon County Council (Housing Department)1901180..6020....80Gates open all night. Outer door closed at 11 p.m. by caretakerDittoDittoDitto1117/- to 10/6Resident Caretaker at No. 23. No dust shoots. Galvanized bins in courtyard.
E. 5Seymour BuildingsDitto190212824810....60No door, railings outsideDittoDittoDitto1114/6 to 9/-Caretaker resides at 23, Wellesley Buildings. No dust shoots. Galvanised bins in courtyard.
E. 5Somerset BuildingsDitto1902109..16195..40DittoDittoDittoDitto1117/6 1 to 11/-Ditto.
E. 5Culross Buildings, Battle Bridge Road (5 houses)Great Northern Railway Co.1892128..16..24..40No street doorOutside..Ditto1114/6 to 8/6All Railway Company's men. Superintendent resides in one of the buildings.
W.158, Crogsland RoadMr. Peacey, 111, Park Street, N.W.About 18788..4......4Street doorInsideOpen at rearDitto1115/-to 6/-Two dwellings have each a scullery and wash-house and two have tap and sink in kitchen, and these two have w.c. opening into unventi-lated lobby of bedroom and kitchen. No caretaker.