London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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List VI.—con. BAKEHOUSES—continued.

No. on Diagram.Consecutive No.Situations, Divisions, and Sub-Divisions.Name of Occupier.Distance of floor above for below ground level.Distance of ceiling above or below ground level.Underground Baking Rooms—U.Baked B—Bread. C—Confectionery b—Biscuits.As to Certificate and date Alien granted or refused, and other notes.
West Division-com.
2.—Chalk Farm.
6252211, High Street.. .. . ..7ft. below3ft. 6in. aboveU.B.Certificate granted 27th July, 1904. (Demolished)
5453237,E. Petzfold6ft. 6in below2ft. „U.B. C.Do. 5th April, 1905.
5354253,A. Doig4ft. below3ft. 9in. „U.B. C.Do, 27th July, 1904.
295520, Talk StreetG. H. ReesLevel7ft. „..B. C.
1825631, Princess RoadW. G. Bates10ft. below1ft. Sin. belowU.B. C.Do. 2nd Nov., 1904.
7257109, Regent's Park RoadR. Paine7ft. „LevelU.B. C.Do. 13tH July, 1904. (Not used for baking)
13258164, „ „Edwin George Moore8ft „LevelU.B. C.Do. 21st Sept., 1904. (Not used for baking.)
1485940, St. George's RoadPhilip Beischer8ft „1ft. belowU.B. C.Do. 2nd Nov., 1904.
1816079, Gloucester RoadCarl Sehlager9ft. Sin. below8in. „U.B.Do. 13th July, 1904.
466128, Arlington RoadM. Natus4ft. 9in. below4ft. 3in. aboveU.B.Do. 21st Sept., 1904. (Now builders's yard.
5962171, „P. Lunken6ft. 6in. „LevelU.B. C.Do. 11th Jan., 1905.
363128-142, Albert StreetW. & G. BuszardLevel10ft. above..B. C. b.
326424, Cumberland Market.. .. .. ..1ft. below6ft. 9in. above....Not in use, now a general shop.
1216540, Delancey StreetJ. Lines7ft. 10in. belowLevelU.B. C.Certificate granted 21st Sept.. 1904.
1636643, High StreetMrs. A. Coral8ft. 7in. „6in. belowU.B. C.Do. 14th Dec., 1904.
767125, „J. J. SmithLevel7ft 10in. above..B. C.
1867a125, „.. .. .. ..9ft. „..B. C.
4468183, „.. .. .. ..4ft. 6in. below4ft. 6in. ,,U.B. C.Not in use, now a tailor's shop.
7769182, Stanhope StreetJ. Foltyniewicz7ft. 3in. „1ft. „U.B.Certificate granted 11th Jan., 1905.
69aSouthampton Yard, Mornington CrescentJ. ZellerLevel9ft. „..B.
14789219, Seymour StreetE. H. Junker8ft. „LevelU.B.Do. 2nd Nov., 1904.
4.—Regent's Park.
1737080, Albany Street.. .. .. ..9ft. belowLevel....Not in use, now a bookseller's.
17471115, „James Crabb9ft. „LevelU.B. C.Certificate granted 12th Oct., 1904.
5672186, „J. Drury & Co.6ft. 9in. below9in. aboveU.B.Do. 2nd Nov., 1904.
74734, Cumberland StreetF. Finnimore7ft. belowLevelU.B. C.Do. 22nd June, 1904.
151749, Munster SquareJohn Werner8ft. 3in. below6in. aboveU.B.Do. 12th Oct., 1904.
1347545, Osnaburgh StreetW. Gas8ft. „LevelU.B.Do. 2nd Nov., 1904.
1697684, „J. Mulford8ft. 9in. „1 ft. aboveU.B.Do. do.
1367752, Robert StreetPhilip Herrman8ft „LevelU.B.Do. 12th Oct., 1904.
1547877, „Robert Todd8ft. 6in. „6in aboveU,B. C.Do. 23rd Nov, 1904.