London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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Table 8.—Sr. Pancras Registration Sub-Districts and District.

Table of Deaths from Certain Causes, classified according to diseases, ages, and localities, occurring during the year 1912.

Non-Residents in Public Institu-tions are excluded.AGES.West.South.East.North.No AddressTotals.Totals All Ages.
Residents in Public Institutions without the District are included.
Notifiable Infectious DiseasesUnder 510433••2048
5 and under 155213••11
15 and upwards5444••17
PhthisisUnder 51••3••••4326
5 and under 1512••3••6
15 and upwards10374636313316
MeaslesUnder 52311312329094
5 and under 151••21••4
15 and upwards••••••••••••
Whooping CoughUnder 5614205••4547
5 and under 15••••2••••2
15 and upwards••••••••••••
Diarrhoea and EnteritisUnder 559129••3545
5 and under 15••••••2••2
15 and upwards23••218
Rheumatic FeverUnder 5••••••••••••5
5 and under 15••11••••2
15 and upwards1••••2••3
InfluenzaUnder 5••••••••••••14
5 and under 15••••••••••••
15 and upwards5234••14
Bronchitis, Pneumonia & PleurisyUnder 543255432••154543
5 and under 155••1118
15 and upwards9091104879381
Heart DiseaseUnder 5••••••••••••282
5 and under 152152••10
15 and upwards754171778272
InjuriesUnder 51112196149161
5 and under 1553••2••10
15 and upwards253927201102
All other DiseasesUnder 598631059333631592
5 and under 15••61112••36
15 and upwards312256305276441193
Total DeathsUnder 519713824817167603157
5 and under 1526152326191
15 and upwards618500577535762306
All ages841653848732833157