London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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List VI.—con. BAKEHOUSES—continued.

No. on Diagram.Consecutive No.Situations, Divisions, and Sub-Divisions.Name of Occupier.Distance of floor above or below ground level.Distance of ceiling above or below ground level.Underground Baking Rooms—U.Baked B- Bread. C—Confectionery b—Biscuits.As to Certificate and date when granted or refused, and other notes.
213336, Acton Street-10ft. above19ft. above....Not in use. Now a private house.
17813484, Cromer StreetAichroth & Co.8ft. belowLevelU.B.Certificate granted 24th May, 1905.
119135296, Gray's Inn Road7ft. 9in „3in. belowU...Certificate refused 1st Feb., 1905. Baking room not in use, shop still open.
33136312,J. Measures2ft.7ft. above..B.C.Certificate granted 1st Feb., 1905.
176137125, King's Cross RoadLot Vickers9ft, „4in, „U.B.
31138151, „ „T. W. Davey1ft. „7ft. „..B
75139163, „ „w. H. Maundrell7ft. „LevelUB. C.Do. 1st June, 1904.
14014039, Manchester StreetL. J. Sage8ft. „U.B. C.Do. 27th July, 1904.
14214138, Coram StreetJohn Dunsbier8ft. „U.B. C.Do. 23rd Nov. 1904.
1431424, Cough StreetA. Pitt8ft. „3in. belowU.B.Do. 2nd Nov., 1904.
14714383, Gray's Inn RoadMrs. E. Davidson8ft. „6in. „U.B. C.Do. 15th Mar., 1906.
113144238, „ „Herbert Tilbury, jr7ft. 6in. ,,1ft „..B. C.Disused. Level bakehouse constructed.
109145274, „ „George Covell7ft. 6in. „LevelU.B. C.Certificate granted 13th July, 1904.
4214663, Kenton Street-4ft. „4ft. 4in aboveU.B.Certificate refused 5th April, 1905. (Demolished, now flats).
16714727, King's Cross RoadHenry Snowley8ft. 8in. „4in. belowU.B.Certificate granted 23rd Nov., 1904.
TV14814, Mount PleasantMiss H. Engelmann7ft. „4in. „U.B.Do. 15th Mar., 1905 (Now general shop)
871493-5, Sidmouth StreetW. Inglis7ft. 6in. „1ft. 6in. aboveU.B.Do. 5th April, 1905.
9115042, Compton StreetW. Wagner & Sons7ft. 6in. „2in. „U.B.Certificate refused oth April, 1905
15815154, „H. Loss8ft. 6in. „LevelU.B.Reconstructed 1900. Now above ground.
1801521, Cromer StreetJohn Measures9ft 4in, „1ft. 2in. belowU.B. C.Certificate granted 1st Feb., 1905
1441534, Hastings Street-8ft „.4in. „U.B.Certificate refused 5th April, 1905 (Demolished).
0115476, Judd StreetC. Werner6ft. 10in. „6in. aboveU.B. C.Do. do. (Bakehouse disused).
168155135, „-8ft. 9in. „Gin. belowU...Certificate refused 5th April 1905.
170155a135, „-8ft. 9in. „1ft. 9in, „U...(Demolished.)
12015629, Leigh Street-7ft. 9in. „11in. „U...Certificate refused 5th April, 1905 (Demolished).
17715792, Marchmont Street-9ft, „6in. „U.B. C.Certificate refused 5th April, 1905 (Demolished).
1391588, Woburn Buildings-8ft. „LevelU.B. C.Now a chandler's shop.
-185d4, Sinclair House, Thanet StreetGeorge Fabel..B. C.