London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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The following were the details of the inspections and re-inspections made during the year 1912 : —

Duties and Premises.Inspections.Re-inspections after Intimation Notices.Total.
Infectious Diseases—Inquiry, removal, disinfection. &c18603222182
„ „ Sanitary inspection after, &c.123014792709
Drainage—Under Notice. Plans, supervision, &c.38755595946
„ Voluntary. „ „66359236586
„ New Buildings. „ „6618561922
(Weekly) Yards of Mews and Stables (170 on List)5247335280
House-to-house Inspections301390691
Tenement Streets - Inquiries as to occupation of houses9121112
„ „ Mensuration for Registration4...4
„ „ „ Inscription12...12
Periodical Inspections—
Dwelling Places.(Half-yearly) Registered tenement houses (2358 Registered)242453967820
„ Inscribed dwellings ( 207 Inscribed)84436520
(Quarterly) Closed underground dwellings ( 435 on Register)13130161
„ Common lodging-houses ( 8 Registered).........
(Weekly) Canal boat dwellings [Wharves] ( 31 on Register)76...76
Work Places [Women].(Half-yearly) Day schools [Woman] ( 40 on Register).........
„ Factories „ ( 107 „ )1l2
„ Workshops „4047...7
„ Work places „.........
„ Domestic workshops ” (71 „ ).........
„ Home work places „ ( 273 „ ).........
„ Laundries „ (74 „ )4...4
, „ Restaurant kitchens „ ( 158 „ ).........
Work Places [Men].(Half-yearly) Factories [Man] ( 408 „ )372764
„ Workshops „131426986355
„ Work places „13132
„ Bakehouses „ ( 167 „ )286321607
„ Restaurant kitchens „ ( 175 „ )9922121
(Weekly) Smoke Shafts „ ( 343 „ )600110710
Food Places.(Fortnightly) Cowsheds ( 6 Licensed )1042106
„ Dairies413 Regd.150...150
(Quarterly) Milkshops900...900
„ Ice Cream Premises ( 491 on List )302...302
(Weekly) Slaughter-houses ( 17 Licensed )555...555
„ Food Makers' Premises* ( 204 on List )768...768
(Alternate Daily) Marketing Places ( 39 ,, )4941...4941
Unfit Food—Seizure, condemnation, destruction, &c.198...198
Adulterated Food—Samples, transit, &c.750...750
Special Places.(Quarterly) Effluvia Businesses [M] ( 14onRegister)7...7
„ Fried Fish Shops (80 „ )12518143
„ Rag and Bone Stores (38 „ )28...28
„ Offensive Trades [M] ( 2 Sanctioned)3...3
Railway Nuisances1...1
Legal Proceedings—(1) Services of Notices20...20
„ „ (2) Applications and Summonses58...58
„ „ (3) Hearings and Adjournments56...56
Other Duties not included in above371643720

* Where Tripe, Sausages, Extract of Meat. &c., are prepared.