Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]
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Births— | Males. | Females. | Total. | Birth-rate |
Births— | Males. | Females. | Total. |
1923. | 1924. | 1925. |
1923 | 1924. | 1925. |
1923 | 1924. | 1925. |
Year. | Infant Mortality— | Illegitimate children. | |
Illegitimate children. | Year. |
Name and Situation. | Nature of Accommodation | By whom provided. |
Name and Situation. | Nature of Accommodation | By whom provided. |
Acres. | Population. |
Notifications of Enteric Fever during week ending: | Jan. 10 | „ 17 | „ 24 | „ 31 | Feb 7 | „ 14 | „ 21 | „ 28 | Mch. 7 | „ 14 | „ 21 | „ 28 | Ap. 4 | „ 11 | „ 18 | „ 25 | May 2 | „ 9 | „ 16 | „ 23 | „ 30 | June 6 | „ 13 | „ 20 | „ 27 | July 4 | „ 11 | „ 18 | „ 25 | Aug 1 | „ 8 | „ 15 | „ 22 | „ 29 | Sept. 5 |
Patients admitted from Croydon C. B. and Penge U.D. on a diagnosis of:— | Cases admitted during 1916. | Case admitted during 1917. | Cases admitted during 1918. | Cases admitted during 1919. | Cases admitted during 1920. | Cases admitted during 1921. | Cases admitted during 1922. | Cases admitted during 1923. | Cases admitted during 1924. | Cases admitted during 1925. |
Month. | Beds Occupied. | Month. | Beds Occupied. | ||
Highest. | Lowest. | Highest. | Lowest. |
Districts. | Remaining at end of 1924. | Admitted during 1925. | Discharged during 1925. | Died during 1925 | Remaining at end of 1025. |
For Medical Practitioners. | For M.O.H. | For Wards (including Nose and Throat Swabs). | Grand Total. | ||||
— | + | Total | — | + | Total |
Diphtheria. | Tubercle | Enteric. | C.S. M. | Total |
For Medical Practitioners. | For Tuberculosis Dispensary. | For Borough Hospital. | Grand Total. |
For Medical Practitioners. | For M O.H. | For the Borough Hospital. | Grand Total. |
For Medical Practitioners. | For M.O.H. | For the Borough Hospital. | Grand Total. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Faeces. | Urine. | Faeces. | Urine. | Faeces. | Urine. | Faeces. | Urine. |
Type of Institution. | Men. | Women. | Children under 15. | Tolal. |
Type of Institution. | Men. | Women. | Children under 16. | Total. |
District, | Remaining at end of year 1924. | Admitted during year 1925. | Discharged during year 1925. | Died during year 1925. | Remaining at end of year 1925. |
Clinical classification and results of treatment of cases discharged during 1925. | Not included in average length of stay. | Total discharges and deaths uder each group. | |||||||
Group. | No. of Cases. | Arrested. a | Much improved b | Improved | Stationary or worse | Average length of stay | Irregular discharge | Deaths. |
1921. | 1922. | 1923. | 1924. | 1925. |
[Supplied to Families. | No. of Quarts. | Corporation Liability. |
1921. | 1922. | 1923. | 1924. | 1925. |
1921. | 1922. | 1923. | 1924. | 1925. |
1921. | 1922. | 1923. | 1924. | 1925. |
Offence. | Result. | Total. | |||||||
Fines. | Costs. | ||||||||
s. | d. | s. | d. | s. | d. |
Preinises. | Inspections. | Number of Written Notices. | Prosecutions. |
Particulars. | No. of Defects. | Referred to H.M. Inspector. | Prosecutions. | |
Found. | Remedied. |
Trades. | Totals. |
Trades. | Totals. |
Nature of Work. | Number employ-d. | Outwork in infected premises. | Outwork in unsatisfactory premises. | Remarks. |
Premises. | No. of Rooms. | Accom modation. |
Road. | No. of houses let in lodgings. |
Public Slaughterhouses | Cattle. | Shtep. | Pigs. | Calves | Total- |
Description. | Cause. |
Cattle | Sheep. | Pigs. | Calves. | Total. |
Description. | Cause. |
Cattle. | Sheep. | Pigs. | Cal*es. | Total. |
Class of Animal. | Tuberculosis. | Septicaemia. | Emaciation, various causes. | Johne's Disease. | Immaturity. | Inflammatory Conditions. | Swine Fever. | Swine Erysipelas. | Asphyxiation. | Jaundice. | Emphysema. | Total carcases. |
Animals affected. | Carcase and all internal organs destroyed, | Quarters or parts of carcase destroyed. | All or part of organs destroyed. | Total. |
ARTICLES. | Weiglil in lbs. | Remarks. | ||
Diseased. | Unsound. | Total. |
CERTIFIED MILK. | Present. | Absent. | Over 30,000 per c.c. | Under 30,000 per c.c. | Present in 1/10 c.c. | Not present in 1/10 c.c. | Present. | Absent. | Present. | Absent. | Exceeding a trace. | Not exceeding a trace. |
GRADE A MILK. | Present. | Absent. | Over 200,000 per c.c. | Under 200.000 per c.c. | Present in 1/100 c.c. | Not present in 1/100 c.c. | Present. | Absent. | Present. | Absent. | Exceeding a trace. | Not exceeding | a trace. |
ORDINARY MILK. | Present. | Absent. | Over 200,000 per c.c. | Under 200,000 per c.c. | Present in 100 c.c. | Absent from 100 c.c. | Present. | Absent. | Present. | Absent. | Exceeding a trace. | Not exceeding a trace. |
Areas. | No. obtained. | Xo. Tuberculous. | Percentage. |
Sample of | Total Samples. | Genuine. | Not Genuine. | Prosecutions. | Convictions. | Caution*. |
8.2 | 8..3 | 8.4 | *8.5 | 8.6 | 8.7 | 8.8 | 8.9 | 9.0 | 9.1 | 9.2 | 9.8 | Total |
2.7 | 2 .9 | 3.0 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4 | 3.5 | 3.6 | 3.7 | 3.8 | 3.9 | 4.0 | 4.1 | 4.3 | 4.5 | 4.6 | Total |
No. | Sample. | Adulteration or Deficiency. | Remarks. |
Number of samples examined for the presence ot a preservative. | Number in which a preservative was reported to be present. |
No. of articles. |
1923 | 1924. | 1925. |
Premises. | No. of Visits Made. | No of Poison and other Baits laid. | No. of Rats killed. |
DEATH RATES AT:— ALL AGES. | 0—1 YEAR. | 1—5 YEARS. | 5—15 YEARS. | 15—25 YEARS. | 25—65 YEARS. (25—60 Years when in Black). | 65 YEARS AND UPWARDS. (60 Years and Upwards where in Black). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Year . | Population. | Death Rate. | Population. | Total Death Rate. | D.R. Congen., debility, premature, birth, mal formation | D.R. Diarrhoea. | D.R. Pneumonia. | D.R. Bronchitis | D.R. Whooping Cough. | D.R. Tuberc. (non-pulm.). | D.R. Measles. | Population. | Total D.R. | D. R. Pneumonia. | D.R. Tuberc. (non-pulm.) | D.R. Measles. | D.R. Whooping Cough. | D.R. Bronchitis. | D.R. Diphtheria. | Population. | Total D.R. | D.R. Tuberc. (non-pulm.). | D.R. Diphtheria. | D.R. Pulm. Tuberc. | D.R. Pulm. Tuberc. males | D.R. Pulm. Tuberc. females | D.R. Pneumonia. | Population. | Total D.R. | D.R. Pulm. Tuberc. | D.R. Pulm. Tuberc. males | D.R. Pulm. Tuberc. females | D.R. Pneumonia. | D.R. Tuberc. (non-Pulm.) | Population. | Total D.R. | D.R. Cancer. | D.R. Pulm. Tuberc. | D.R. Pneumonia. | D.R. Nephritis. | D.R. Bronchitis. | Population. | Total D.R. | D.R. Cancer. | D.R. Cancer, males. | D.R. Cancer females. | D.R. Bronchitis. | D.R. Pneumonia. | D.R. Nephritis. | D.R. Influenza. | D.R. Other Respiratory Diseases. | D.R. Pulm. Tuberc. |
Year. | Population estimated to Middle of each Year. | Births. | Total Deaths Reg. in the District. | Transferable Deaths | Nett deaths belonging to the District. | Births and Deaths. Illegitimate Children | |||||||||
of Non-residents registered in the District. | of Residents not registered in the District. | Under 1 Year of Age. | At all Ages. | Nett Births. | Nett Deaths under 1 year. | Death-rate under 1 year of age per 1000 illegitimate births | |||||||||
Uncorrected Number. | Nett. | Number. | Rate.* | ||||||||||||
Number. | Rate per 1,000 Nett Births. | Number. | Rate* | ||||||||||||
N umber. | Rate.* | ||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
Year. | Puerperal Sepsis. | Other maternal accidents & diseases of pregnancy and parturition. | Cancer | Pneumonia all forms, except influenzal pneumonia). | Influenza. | Bronchitis and otl respiratory disease (excluding pneum and ruberculosis | ||||||
Deaths. | Death-rate per 1000 births. | Deaths. | Death-rate per 1000 births. | Deaths. | Death-rate | Deaths. | Death-rate | Deaths. | Death-rate | Deaths. | Death-rate |
CAUSES OF DEATH. | Under 1 Week | 1-2 Weeks. | 2-3 Weeks. | 3-4 Weeks. | Total under 1 Month. | 1-3 Months. | 3-6 Months. | 6-9 Months. | 9-12 Months | Total Deaths Under 1 Year. |
INFANT MORTALITY. | Deaths in UPPER NORWOOD WARD. | NORBURY WARD. | |||||||||||||||||||
CAUSES OF DEATH. | Under 1 Week. | 1-2 Weeks. | a 3 Weeks. | 3-4 Weeks. | Total under 1 Month. | 1-3 Months. | 3-6 Months. | 6-9 Months. | 9-12 Months | Total Deaths under 1 Year. | Under 1 Week. | 1-2 Weeks. | 2-3 Weeks. | 3-4 Weeks. | Total under 1 Month. | 1-3 Months. | 3-6 Months. | 6-9 Months. | 9-ia Months. | Total Deaths under 1 Year. |
CAUSES OK DEATH. | Under 1 Week. | 1-2 Weeks. | 2-3 Weeks. | 3-4 Weeks. | Total under I Month. | 1-3 Months. | 3-6 Months. | 6-9 Months. | 9-12 Month. | Toml Deaths Under One Year. | Under 1 Wek. | 1-2 Weeks. | 2-3 Weeks. | 3-4 Weeks. | Total under 1 Month. | 1-3 Months. | 3 6 Months. | 6-9 Months. | 9-12 Months. | Total Deaths under x Year. |
CAUSES OF DEATH. | Under 1 Week | 1-2 Weeks. | 2-3 Weeks. | 3-4 Weeks. | Total under 1 Month. | 1-3 Months. | 3-6 Months. | 6-9 Months. | 9-12 Months. | Total Deaths Under 1 Year. | Under 1 Week. | 1-2 Weeks. | 2-3 Weeks. | 3-4 Weeks. | Total under 1 Month. | 1-3 Months. | 3-6 Months. | 6-9 Months. | 9-12 Months. | Total Deaths Under 1 Year. |
CAUSES OF DEATH. | Under 1 Week | 1-2 Weeks. | 2-3 Weeks. | 3-4 Weeks. | Total under 1 Month. | 1-3 Months. | 3-6 Months. | 6-9 Months. | 9-12 Months | Total Deaths Under 1 Year | Under 1 Week. | 1-2 Weeks. | 2-3 Weeks. | 3-4 Weeks*. | Total under 1 Month. | 1-3 Months. | 3-6 Months. | 6-9 Months. | 9-12 Months. | Total Deaths Under 1 Year. |
CAUSES OF DEATH. | Under 1 Week. | 1-2 Weeks. | 2-3 Weeks. | 3-4 Weeks. | Total under 1 Month. | 1-3 Months. | 3-6 Months. | 6-9 Months. | 9-12 Months. | Total Deaths under 1 Year. | Under 1 Week. | 1-2 Weeks. | 2-3 Weeks. | 3-4 Weeks. | Total tinder 1 Momth. | 1-3 Months. | 3-6 Months. | 6-9 Months. | 9-12 Months. | Total Deaths under 1 Year. |
INFANT MORTALITY. | Deaths in BROAD GREEN WARD. | CENTRAL WARD. | |||||||||||||||||||
CAUSES OF DEATH. | Under 1 Week. | 1-2 Weeks. | 2-3 Weeks. | 3-4 Wteeks. | Total under 1 Month. | 1-3 Months. | 3-45 Months. | 6-9 Months. | 9-12 Months. | Total Deaths umder 1 Year. | Under 1 Week. | 1-2 Weeks. | 2-3 Weeks. | 3-4 Weeks. | Total under 1 Month. | 1-3 Months. | 3-6 Months. | 6-9 Months. | 9-12 Months. | Total Deaths under 1 Year. |
INFANT MORTALITY. | Deaths in WADDON WARD. | SOUTH WARD. | |||||||||||||||||||
CAUSES OF DEATH. | Under 1 Week | 1-2 Weeks. | 2-3 Weeks. | 3-4 Weeks. | Total under 1 Month. | 1-3 Momths. | 3-6 Months | 6-9 Months. | 9-12 Months. | Total Deaths under 1 Year. | Under 1 Week. | 1-2 Weeks. | 2-3 Weeks. | 3-4 Weeks. | Total under 1 Month. | 1-3 Months. | 3-6 Months. | 6-9 Months. | 9-12 Months. | Total Deaths Under-1 Year |
No. | CAUSE | LOCALITIES. | Institution & Street Deaths which could not be distributed. | Total Institution Deaths distributed and not distributed. | Inquest Cases. | Total all Ages. | Males all Ages. | Females all Ages. | 0-1. | 1-2. | 2-5. | 5-15. | 15-25. | 25 45. | 45-65. | 65 and upwards . | |||||||||||||||||||||
Up. Norwood. | Norbury. | W. Thornton. | Bensham Mnr. | Thornton Hth. | 8th. Norwood. | Woodside. | East. | Addiscombe. | Whitehorse Mnr | Broad Green. | Central. | Waddon. | South. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F |
No. | CAUSE. | LOCALITIES. | Institution & Street Deaths which could not be distributed | Total Institution Deaths distributed | Inquest Cases. | Total all Ages. | Males all Ages. | Females all Ages. | 0 1. | 1-2. | 2-5. | 5-15. | 15-25. | 25-45. | 45-65. | j 65 and upwards | |||||||||||||||||||||
Ud. Norwood. | Norbury. | W. Thornton. | Bensham Mnr. | Thornton Hth. | 8th. Norwood. | Woodside. | East. | Addiscombe. | Whitehorse Mnr. | Broad Green. | Central. | Waddon. | South. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F |
No. | CAUSE. | LOCALITIES. | Institution & Street, Deaths which could not be distributed. | Total Institution Deaths distributed | Inquest Cases. | Total all Ages. | Males all Ages. | Females all Ages. | 0-1. | 1-2. | 2-5. | 5-15. | 15-25. | 25-45. | 45-65. | 65 and upwards. | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 Up-Norwood. | Norbury. | W. Thornton. | Bensham Mnr. | Thornton Hth. | 8th. Norwood. | Woodside. | East. | Addiscombe. | Whitehorse Mnr | Broad Green. | Central. | Waddon. | South. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F |
No | CAUSE. | LOCALITIES. | Institution & Street Deaths which could not he distributed. | Total Institution Deaths distributed | Inquest Cases. | Total all Ages. | Males all Ages. | Females all Ages. | 0-1. | 1-2. | 2-5. | 5-15. | 15-25. | 25-45. | 45-65. | 65 and upwards. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Up-Norwood. | Norbury. | W. Thornton. | Bensham Mar. | Thornton Hth. | Sth. Norwood. | Woodiide. | East. | Addiscombe. | Whitehorse Mnr | Broad Green. | Central. | Waddon. | South. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 I | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F |
No. | CAUSE. | LOCALITIES. | Institution & Street Deaths which could not be distributed. | Total Institution Deaths distributed and not distributed. | Inquest Cases. | Total all Ages. | Males all Ages. | Females all Ages. | 0-1. | 1-2. | 2-5. | 5-15. | 15-25. | 25-45. | 45-65. | 65 and upwards. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Up. Norwood. | Norbury. | W. Thornton. | Bensham Mnr. | Thornton Hth. | Sth. Norwood. | Woodside. | East. | Addiscombe. | Whitehorse Mnr. | Broad Green. | Central. | Waddon. | South. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
M | F | M | F | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F |
No. | CAUSE. | LOCALITIES. | Institution & Street Deaths which could not be distributed. | Total Institution Deaths distributed and not distributed. | Inquest Cases. | Total all Ages. | Males all Ages.- | Females all Ages. | 0-1. | 1-2. | 2-5. | 5-15. | 15-25. | 25-45 | 45-65. | 65 and upwards. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Up. Norwood. | N or bury. | W. Thornton. | Bensham Mnr. | Thornton Hth. Sth. Norwood. | Woodside. | East. | Addiscornbe. Whitehorse Mnr Broad Green. | Central. | Wad don. | South. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
VIII.—Diseases of the Skin and of the Cellular Tissue. | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F |
No. | CAUSE. | LOCALITIES. | Institution & Street Deaths which could not be distributed. | Total Institution Deaths distributed and not distributed. | Inquest Cases. | Total all Ages. | Males all Ages. | Females all Ages. | 0-1. | 1-2. | 2-5. | 5-15. | 15-25. | 25-45. | 45-65. | 55 and upwards. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Dp. Norwood. | Norbury. | W. Thornton. | Bensh&m Mnr. | Thornton Hth. | 8th. Norwood. | Woodside. | East. | Addiscombe. | Whitehoree Mnr | Broad Green. | Central. | Waddon. | South. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
M | F | M | K | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F |
Notifiable Disease. | Cases notified in whole District. | Total Cases notified in each Locality. | Total Cases Removed to Hospitals or Sanatoria | Total Cases Treated at Home | Deaths in Whole District (Home-treted cases, shown separately in bracket, but included in the total death) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
At all Ages | At Ages—Years. | Upper Norwood. | Norbury. | West Thornton. | Bensiham Manor. | Thornton Heath. | South. Norwood. | Woodside. | East. | Addisoom.be. | Whitehorse Manor. | Broad Green. | Central. | Waddon- | South. | Institution casea which could not be distributed | At all ages | Under 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 35 | 45 | 65 and upward | unrecorded ages. | |||||||||||||||
Under 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 35 | 45 | 65 and. upward | Unrecorded Agea |
Age Periods. | New Cases.1 | Deaths. | Notification rate per 100 tuberculosis deaths. | Non-notified tuberculosis deaths per 100 total tuberculosis deaths. | ||||||
Pulmonary. | Non-Pulmonary. | Pulmonary. | Non-Pulmonary. | |||||||
M. | F. | M. | F. | M. | F. | M. | F. |
Pulmonary Tuberculosis. | Non-Pulmonary Tuberculosis. | Total | ||||
Observation. | "Sanatorium " Beds. | "Hospital " Beds. | Disease of Bones and Joints. | Other Conditions. |
In Institutions on Jan. 1. | Admitted during the year. | Discharged during the year. | Died in the Institutions. | In Institutions on Dec. 31. |
Classification on admission to the Institution. | Condition at time of discharge. | Duration of Residential Treatment in the Institution. | |||||||||||||
Under 3 months. | 3—6 months. | 6—12 months. | More than 12 months. | Total. | |||||||||||
M. | F. | Ch. | M. | F. | Ch. | M. | F. | Ch. | M. | F. | Ch. |
Condition at the time of the last record made during the year to which the Return relates. (1925)- | Prerious to 1926. | ||||||||
Class T. B. minus. | Class T.B. plus. | (Grouped together). | |||||||
Group 1. | Group 2. | Group 3. | Total (Class T.B. plus). |
Condition at the time of the last record made during the year to which the Return relates. (1925). | Previous to 1926. (Grouped together). | |||||||
Bones and Joints. | Abdominal. | Other Organs. | Peripheral Glands. | Total. |
INFANTS CENTRES | Foster Clinics. | Municipal Centre (228, London Road). | Central Croydon (Sylverdale Road). | South Croydon (Bartlett Street). | East Croydon (Lr. Addisc'be Rd.) | Woodside (St. Luke's Hall, Spring Lane). | South Norwood (Selhurst Road). | Upper Norwood (St. Margaret's, Naseby Koad). | Thornton Heath (St. Paul's Hall). | Thornton Heath (St. Alban's Hall. Whitehorse Lane). | West Croydon (Johnson Road). | Norbury. | TOTAL. |
1925. | 1924. | 1923. | 1922. | 1921. | ||||||
M. | F. | M. | F. | M. | F. | M. | F. | M. | F. |
London. | Middlesex. | Essex. | Surrey. | Kent. | Herts. | Bucks. | East Ham. | West Ham. | Croydon. | Total. | "Other Places." | Grand Total |
Months 1925. | Temperature of Air during Month | Mean Temperature of Air. | Difference from average 50 years at Greenwich. | Mean Temperature of Ground at 4.ft. | Mean Temperature of the Dew Point. | Mean Tensional Difference between Ground and Dew Point at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. | Rainfall. | |||||
Highest. | Lowest. | Mean of | No. of Days on which Kain fell. | Amount collected in Inches. | Difference from average 50 years at Greenwich | |||||||
AH Highest. | All Lowest. |
1925. | N.E. | E. | S.E. | S | S.W. | W. | N.W. | N. |
1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 |
1905 | 1924 | 1925 | 1905 | 1924 | 1925 | |||||||
A.—HEIGHTS* Age (years) | No, exd. | Median height (ins.) | No. exd. | Median height (ins.) | No. exd. | Median height (ins). | No. exd. | Median height (ins.) | No. exd. | Median height (ins.) | No. exd. | Median height (ins.) |
3rd | |||||
TVeek Ending. | School and Dept. | Reason for Low Attendance. |
Maternity and Child Welfare Dental Scheme. | Mothers. | Young Children. |
Boys' School. | Girls' School. |
1925. | 1924. |
Defect or disease. | Routine Inspections Number of defects. | Special Inspections. No. of defects* | ||
Requiring treatment. | Requiring to Be kept under observation but not requiring treatment | Requiring treatment. | Requiring to be kept under observation but not requiring treatment. | |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) |
Group. | Number of Children. | Percentage of Children found to require treatment. | |
Inspected. | Found to require treatment. | ||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) |
Boys. | Girls. | Total. |
Boys. | Girls. | Total |
Disease or Defect. | Number of defects treated or under treatment during the year. | ||
Under the Anthority's Scheme. | Otherwise. | Total. | |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) |
Disease or Defect | NUMBER OF DEFECTS DEALT WITH. | |||
Under the Anthority's Scheme. | Submitted to refraction by private practitioner or at hospitals apart from the Authority s scheme. | Otherwise. | TOTAL. | |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) |
Received operative treatment. | ||||
Under the Authority's scheme In clinic or hospital. | By private practitioner or hospital apart from the Authority's scheme. | TOTAL. | Received other forms of treatment. | Total number treated. |
(1) | (2) | (4) | (5) |
Defect or disease | Routine Inspections. | Special Inspections. | ||
Number of defects. | Number of defects. | |||
Requiring treatment. | Requiring to be kept under observation but not requiring treatment. | Requiring treatment. | Requiring to be kept under observation but not requiring treatment. | |
(1) | (3) | (4) | (5) |
Group. | Number of Children. | Percentage of children found to require treatment. | |
Inspected. | Found to require treatment. | ||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) |
Under the Authority's scheme. | Otherwise. | Total. | |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) |
Defect or Diseases | NUMBER OF DEFECTS DEALT WITH. | |||
Under Authority's Scheme. | Submitted to refraction by private practitioners or at hospital apart from the Authority's seheme. | Otherwise. | Total. | |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) |
Received operative treatment. | Received other forme of treatment. | Total number treated. | ||
Under the Authority's scheme in clinic or hospital. | By private practitioner or hospital apart from the Authority's schema. | TOTAL. | ||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) |