Croydon 1925

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

Table III.— Continued.

Infectious Pulmonary and Glandular TuberculosisAt Sanatorium or Sanatorium Schools approved by the Ministry of Health or the Board314
At other Institutions.........
At no School or Institution213
Non-Infectious but Active Pui.- monary and Glandular Tuberculosis.At Sanatorium or Sanatorium Schools approved by the Ministry of Health or the Board5611
At Certified Residential Open-Air Schools.........
At Certified Day Open-Air Schools.........
At Public Elementary Schools583184
At other Institutions224
At no School or Institution817
PHYSICALLY DEFECTIVE.Delicate Children e.g., pre- or latent tuberculosis, malnutrition, debility, anaemia etc.At Certified Residential Open-Air Schools.........
At Certified Day Open Air Schools.........
At Public Elementary Schools10368171
At other Institutions4...4
At no School or Institution6...13
Activk Non-Pulmonary Tuberculosis.At Sanatorium or Hospital Schools approved by the Ministry of Health or the Board7815
At Public Elementary Schools3511
At other Institutions.........
At no School or Institution167
Crippled Children (other than those with active tuberculous disease), e.g., children suffering from paralysis, etc, and including those with severe heart disease.At Certified Hospital Schools3...3
At Certified Residential Cripple Schools.........
At Certified Day Cripple Schools222345
At Public Elementary Schools342660
At other Institutions211
At no School or Institution41819