Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]
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Clinics and Treatment Centres
Name and Situation. | Nature of Accommodation | By whom provided. | |
(d) Sick Nursery | †228, London Road, Croydon. | One large room (4 cots) and accommodation for nursing and domestic staff. | Local Authority. |
ORTHOPAEDIC. | Croydon General Hospital. | Hospital Committee. | |
SCHOOL CLINCS. | †Re-inspection Clinic. 228, London Road, Croydon. | 2 rooms. | Local Authority. |
† Minor Ailments Treatment Clinic, 228, London Road, Croydon. | do. | do. | |
† Kye Clinic, 228, London Road, Croydon. | do. | do. | |
† Dental Clinic, 13, Katharine Street, Croydon. | do. | do | |
Clinic for Defective Children, Town Hall, Croydon. | 1 room in Public Health Department. | do | |
X-ray Clinic, 83, Park Lane, Croydon. | Surgery of Dr. Critchley, part-time X-ray Specialist. | ||
Massage Clinic, Welcome Hall, Scarbrook Road, Croydon. | One room. | Local Authority | |
Spinal Remedial Exercises Clinic, Welcome Hall, Scarbrook Road. Croydon. | |||
Breathing Exercises Clinic, Welcome Hall, Scarbrook Road, Croydon. | |||
Tonails and Adenoids Clinic, Croydon General Hospital. | Waiting, operating and recovery room, kitchen (for use of stores} and room (in which are sinks) | do. | |
Cleansing Station, Factory Lane, Croydon | 2 waiting rooms and 4 baths. | do | |
TUBERCULOSIS. | Tuberculosis Dispensary, 13, Katharine Street, Croydon. | Waiting room, consulting room, doctors' nurses' and clerks' rooms. | do. |
VENEREAL DISEASES. | V.D. Clinic, Croydon General Hospital. | A portion of the OutPatients' Dept. | do |
† In December these clinics were transferred to new premises in Lodge
Road, West Croydon.