London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Erith 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Erith]

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Cases in which medical examinations are required, or when
doubt arises, are submitted to the Medical Officer of Health.
Information with regard to foster children is obtained from
the following sources:—
1. By Health Visitors in the course of Routine Visits.
2. By scrutiny of advertisements in the local newspapers,
etc., and explanatory leaflets are available for the guidance of
foster mothers upon application to the Public Health
Number of foster mothers on register at end of year 22
Number of children on register at 31st December, 1938 25
During the year frequent visits were paid to foster children,
and in no case was it found necessary to take legal action against
any foster parent.
B(7). Midwives.
The administration of the Midwives Acts is carried out by
the Kent County Council which is the Local Supervising
Authority. Under the new Midwives Act the County Council
employ and supervise midwives working in this area.
B(8). Maternity and Nursing Homes.
At present there is one registered Nursing Home in the
district. No applications for registration were received during
the year.
B (9). Dental Clinic.
The Maternity and Child Welfare Dental Clinic which is
held fortnightly for Dental Treatment for mothers and preschool
children, was well attended during the year, attendances
being as follows:
Hainault 139
Bedonwell 115
Total 254