London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Erith 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Erith]

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B(10)a. General.
Three voluntary Nursing Associations provide nurses for
work in the district. These are not directly subsidised by the
Local Authority, but are supported by weekly contributions
by Members of the Associations, and subscriptions from
The services of these nurses are also available to nonmembers
of the Associations for a small fee per visit.
B(10)b. Infectious Disease.
It has not been found necessary during the year to make
use of the legislation which enables this Authority to compel
removal of infectious patients to hospital.
B(10)c. Home Help.
A Scheme has been formulated for supplying Home Helps
to households during the mother's confinement either at home,
or in a Maternity Ward, or Nursing Home, and during any
non-infectious illness of a nursing mother, or whilst she is
away in a hospital.
A full-time Home Help is employed by the Council and
she will attend daily at the homes of patients for a period of
two weeks, as directed by the Medical Officer of Health, or
to suit the convenience of the patient.
A scale of charges is in operation and is based on incomes
and sizes of families.
This service is 011 trial and the present small demand is
surprising and disappointing. Strenuous efforts have been made
to ensure that this apparent absence of the need for this service
is not due to ignorance of its existence. The press have
generously co-operated to secure this end, and I am pleased to
state that signs are beginning to be evident that these efforts
are meeting with success.
B (11). National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
to Children.
An account of the Welfare Work of the Department would
be incomplete without a mention of the splendid work of, and
the valuable assistance given by, the National Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Cases coming to the notice
of the Medical Officer of Health are referred to the local