London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Feltham 1915

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Feltham]

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60 deaths were due to Cancer, this being equal to a death
rate of 1.25 per 1,000 of the population.
23 of the deaths in Finchley occurred among males and
37 among females. The mean age at death was 56.6 years
in the males and 61 years in the females.
Bacteriological Examinations.
The following is a record of the work done in the Council's
Laboratory during the year:—
406 swabs were examined.
62 were positive.
311 were negative.
10 were indefinite.
23 were sterile.
61 specimens of sputum were examined.
13 were positive.
48 were negative.
56 specimens of diseased hairs were examined for the
sports of Ringworm. Most of these were from children in the
public elementary schools, but some were sent by medical
practitioners. Other specimens 7.
In addition to the above, 61 specimens were examined
by other institutions, viz.:—
18 Diphtheria swabs, 4 positive, 14 negative.
4 Sputa, 3 positive, 1 negative.
16 Blood (Widal) tests, 3 positive, 12 negative, 1 indefinite
Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis—
23 swabs were examined.
23 were negative.