London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chiswick 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chiswick]

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be an offensive trade, as complaints were frequently
made respecting the offensive effluvia therefrom, and
as to the unsatisfactory condition of some of the
premises, and the use of unsuitable apparatus. The
Council declared the business of fish-frying to be an
offensive trade under the Public Health Acts, 1875 to
1907, and the Order was confirmed by the Local
Government Board. The establishment of such trades
will therefore be restricted where they are likely to
cause a nuisance, and if the requisite bye-laws are
made a uniform sanitary condition of these premises
can be enforced.
Food Inspection.
Special attention is at all times given to the food
supply, and during the past year it has only been
necessary in one instance to apply for a Justices Order
for the destruction of unwholesome food, with respect
to which, owing to the circumstances, the Public
Health Committee did not recommend the institution
of legal proceedings,
With regard to the powers which are being sought
for the erection of a public abattoir, I may state that
under existing conditions it is impossible to adequately
carry out meat inspection, although the occupiers of
the various slaughter-houses give every facility.
Sale of Food and Drugs Acts.
I have again found it unnecessary to increase the
expense incurred in obtaining samples for analysis
under these Acts, in consequence of the satisfactory