London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Paddington 1891

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Paddington]

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distance before-mentioned from No. 43. A 6" perforated
pipe-drain was then laid at the bottom of the
conduit in loose rubble, with concrete and ground
filled in over same from No. 43 to the sewer in Hyde
Park Street. I may mention that there was not any
bad smell from the conduit when opened. The cost
of this work to the Vestry was ,£9G 19s. 3d.
The ordinary Jobbing Works carried out by the
Vestry's Contractors during the last twelve months,
amounting to the sum of £2,073 18s. 9d., include the
re-construction and repair of gulleys and sandpits, the
fixing of two hundred and eighty-three modern flaptraps
to the outlets of drains from new and old buildings
and gulleys, the construction of one hundred and fiftyseven
new stoneware pipe-drains from sewers to old
houses or other buildings. Where new drains are laid
from existing buildings to the sewer the cost of so
doing is defrayed by the parties requiring this work
to be done. The amount received by the Accountant
of the Surveyor's Department for the before-mentioned
drains has been £1,490 18s. 6d., which is included in
the total amount paid to Messrs. Neave & Son as
Contractors for this work.
One hundred and four applications have been made
to the Sewers Department and the sum of £20 16s. 0d.
received for examinations of private drains as to their
state of repair, obstructions, or other defects. The