London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mile End 1889

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hamlet of Mile End Old Town]

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23 OCTOBER, 1889. 55
To provide dust bins or galvanized iron perforated pails for
the use of the tenants thereat.
(j) No. 17, Edwards Road; 123, Ernest Street; and 18,
Romford Street—
To cleanse and purify such houses.
(,k) No. 17, Edwards Road; 20, Smith Street—
To pave the yards thereof.
(l) No. 123, Ernest Street—
To provide water supply for domestic purposes.
(m) Nos. 7, 8, 9 and 10, King John Street—
To cleanse and repair the drains thereat.
(n) No. 20, Smith Street—
To trap the drains thereat.
(0) No. 12, Monsey Street—
To disconnect the water supply for domestic purposes from
that used for flushing the closet.
(4) That your Committee considered a letter of the 8th instant
from the London County Council stating that the Council had
received a notice from Mr. Evan Lloyd of his intention to
occupy as a Cow-shed a building situate at No. 2 Joseph
Street, and asking if the Vestry objected to the position of the
proposed Cow-shed.
That your Inspector reported that he had been to No. 2
Joseph Street (the place referred to), but could not gain
admittance, and that he had reason to believe that the place
remained in the same condition as last year when your Board
opposed a similar application, and that no Cow-shed had yet
been built, and that there was a notice board stating that the
premises were to let.
That your Committee resolved to recommend—That the
granting of the license be opposed by your Board 011 the
ground that when the place was last inspected it was unsuited
for the purpose of a Cow-shed, and that the Officers of your
Board have been unable to ascertain its present condition.
(5) That your Clerk submitted the Quarterly Report of your
Analyst as follows—
Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875.
Report of the Public Analyst appointed for the Hamlet
of Mile End Old Town upon the articles analysed by him
under the above Act, during the quarter ending the
29th September, 1889.
Milk 619 Genuine
„ 620 „
„ 621 „
„ 622 „
Coffee 623 „
Pepper 624 „