London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mile End 1889

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hamlet of Mile End Old Town]

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25 SEPT., 1889.
cheque for £20 12s. 9d. be drawn in favor of your Clerk, for
payment of such expenses.
(8) That your Committee resolved to recommend—That the
following cheques be drawn for rent to 29th inst., viz:
Tyrrell, Mrs. J. S. Stables and premises, Canal Ed., one quarter £45 0 0
Rollinson, Mrs. M. A. ... Riga Wharf, one quarter 31 0 0
Gt. Eastern Railway Go. Arch, Devonshire St., one quarter 2 10 0
Siding, ,, half year 2 10 0
5 0 0
Carpenters Co Shoot at Carpenter's Road, Stratford, one
quarter 16 10 0
Gardner, TMile End Dnst Wharf, one quarter 32 10 0
(9) That your Committee resolved to recommend—That tenders
be invited for the supply of three Hatstands for the Vestry
a. jacobson.
Signed edwin h. kerwin.
Moved by Mr. Calton seconded by Mr. Birks and resolved
—That the Report be received.
Moved by Mr. R. Kemp seconded by Mr. Birks and resolved
—That the Report be adopted and it was resolved accordingly.
IV. The Report of Committee No. 2 was brought up and read
by the Clerk as follows :
To the Vestry of the Hamlet of Mile End Old Town.
Report of Committee No. 2.
For Highways, Paving, Lighting and Watering.
Wednesday, 25th, September 1889.
Your Committee beg to report that they met on Thursday,
the 19th day of September instant, there being present
Messrs. Loftus, Hirst, Mardorf, Calton, Ludbrook, Ockelford,
Schweitzer, J. Druitt, and Nay.
(1) That your Surveyor brought up and read a Report for
which your Committee beg to refer your Board to his Report
(2) That your Clerk read a letter as follows :
7 Balham Grove, S.W.
15th August, 1889.
Dear. Sir,—1 am in receipt of your note ot yesterday and ttly plan
of the corner of Redman's Road and Cressy Place.
I am not authorised to make any further suggestion, but if your
Hoard like to make an offer ot £1,000 for the piece of land coloured blue
on the enclosed tracing I will submit the offer to the owner, only as I am
proceeding with the plans of the three shops on the present frontage it is
advisable that the matter should not be delayed and the opportunity lost.
Yours faithfully,
(Signed) Hy. J. LANCHE3TER.
J. M. Knight, Esq.
And your Committee after consideration resolved to recommend—That
the offer of Mr. Lanchester to sell to the Vestry
a portion of the land at the corner of Redman's Road and
Cressy Place for £1,000 be not entercained.