London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Merton and Morden 1943

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Merton & Morden]

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Area (in acres) 3,238
Number of inhabited houses according to
Rate Books 21,160
Rateable value at 31st December, 1943 £644,510
Sum represented by Id. rate £2,615 approx.
Industry. The number of factories registered under the
Factories Act at the end of 1943 was:—
Factories with mechanical power:—
Employing more than 40 persons 43
Employing less than 40 persons 93
Factories without mechanical power 16
Public Assistance. The following information as to Public
Assistance is supplied by the courtesy of the Chief Public
Assistance Officer of the Surrey County Council.
Medical Relief. Number of persons admitted to Public
Assistance hospitals from Merton and Morden 74
(These figures do not include those admitted
direct to Hospitals by the local doctors)
Number of persons admitted to mental hospitals 42
Average number of persons in receipt of Medical
Relief only 4
Total number of persons in receipt of domiciliary
assistance on:—
1st January, 1943 319
1st July, 1943 253
31st December, 1943 229
Total amount of domiciliary assistance
granted in Merton and Morden in
the year 1943 £9,002 5 4
The figures above relating to the number of admissions
to hospitals is only in respect of those patients who were
referred to hospital by the Relieving Officer. In this connection
it should be observed that several of the hitherto Public
Assistance Institutions have been appropriated by the County
Health Department and consequently numerous admissions
to hospitals have been made direct under public health
arrangements which are not shown in these figures.