London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Merton and Morden 1939

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Merton & Morden]

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Of the 23 houses infested, 20 were treated by spraying with
"Vermnicine," 2 by fumigation with "Cimex" and 1 by fumigation
with sulphur-dioxide, together with the use of blowlamps.
The household effects of two families were subjected to van
disinfestation by H.C.N. Gas prior to removal to Council houses,
and in three instances the bedding at verminous houses was
dealt with by steam disinfection.
Drainage work. At 15 houses the drainage systems were
entirely reconstructed and at 35 houses extensive repairs to
drains were carried out. Smoke and water tests were applied
to the drains of houses in 58 instances and obstructions were
removed from drains at 83 houses.
Infectious Diseases and Disinfection. For the purpose
of obtaining information as to the source of infection and
for taking steps to prevent the spread of the disease enquiries
were made in respect of 150 cases ot' notifiable diseases
as compared with 255 cases in 1938.
Disinfection of rooms was carried out and bedding and
clothing removed for steam disinfection after the removal
of patients to the Isolation Hospital or on the recovery of
each patient treated at home. The number of rooms disinfected
was 209.
Food Supply. The total number of inspections made to
premises where articles of food are prepared or exposed for
sale was 529. These premises include butchers' shops, fish
shops, greengrocers, provision dealers, cooked meat shops,
refreshment houses and bakehouses. Four infringements of the
Public Health (Meat) Regulations, 1924 were discovered, and
remedied during the year. At 5 premises sanitary improvements
were effected.
Unsound Food. The undermentioned articles of food were
found upon inspection to be unfit for human consumption and
were surrendered and destroyed:—
153 lbs. Fork
3 lbs. Beef
125 tins Norway Crab
3 Stone Haddock