London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Sutton and Cheam 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Sutton and Cheam]

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All scavenging of the public highways is carried
out by the Borough Council under the direction of
the Borough Engineer and Surveyor.
Rivers and Streams.— During the year the Surrey
County Council have been actively engaged on the
improvement of the Beverley and Pyl Brooks, and
the work within this Borough is now practically
Closet Accommodation.— There are 34 cesspools in
use. The work of redraining 20 of these in The
Drive, Belmont, is now in hand.
During 1938, 13 houses and one set of stables with
cesspool drainage have been connected to the sewers
and the cesspools abolished.
Some seven pail closets and one privy are in use.
In the past eleven years 135 premises, originally
with cesspool drainage, have been connected to
Report of the Chief Sanitary Inspector under Art. 27
of the Sanitary Officers (Outside London)
Regulations, 1935.
Record of Inspections and Notices Served.
House to House Inspections 162
Special Inspections, Interviews on Premises,
and Advisory Visits 1475
Re-inspections 3363
Visits to Works in Progress 1766
Visits to Factories and Workplaces 444
Visits to Bakehouses 61
Visits to Outworkers' Premises 77
Visits to Slaughterhouses 337
Visits to Butchers' and Food Shops 304
Visits to Dairies and Milkshops 153