London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Giles (Camden) 1895

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Giles District]

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suicidal, and 1 to wilful causes. The deaths in St. Grilesin-the-Fields
were more than double of those in St. George,
Of the deaths attributed to accident or negligence, 6
were infants " suffocated in bed with their parents"; 1
death from atrophine was caused by an eye lotion containing
the poison being taken in mistake for cough
mixture; 6 deaths were caused by vehicles and horses in
the streets.
The Public Mortuary.—Goldsmith Street.
83 bodies were received, 62 inquests held, and 36 postmortem
examinations made. 7 of the bodies were nonparishioners,
who had either died suddenly in the District
or had been brought in for the convenience of the juries
and friends of the deceased.
From the opening of the building in 1883 to the end
of 1895, 1,006 bodies were received, the majority by order
of tlie Coroner.
Bye-laws as to Houses Let in Lodgings.
(54 & 55 Vic., Cap. 66, Sect. 94, Sub-Sect. 1).
This section, which replaces 29 & 30 Vic., cap. 90,
sees. 35, 37 & 38 Vict., cap. 89, sec. 47, does not apply
to common lodging houses within the Common Lodging
Houses Act, 1851, 14 & 15 Vict., cap. 28, and 16 & 17 Vic.,
cap. 41, or any Act amending the same.
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