London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wood Green 1933

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wood Green]

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Use is also made of many other institutions suitable for different
types of tubercular patients to which cases are sent as occasion
4. Maternity.
Arrangements have been made with three maternity hospitals,
namely the Mothers' Hospital, Clapton, the Royal Northern
Hospital, Holloway, and the City of London Maternity Hospital,
to admit, at an inclusive charge to the mother, maternity cases
recommended by the Maternity and Child Welfare Department.
5. Children.
There is no special children's hospital in this neighbourhood,
but children are taken into the North Middlesex Hospital and the
Royal Northern Hospital. Many children from Wood Green
receive treatment also at the Great Ormond Street Hospital for
Sick Children.
6. Other.
The Passmore Edwards Cottage Hospital is situated in Wood
Green and has accommodation for fifty-two patients. A considerable
proportion of the cases dealt with belong to Wood Green.
Other general hospitals to which patients are sent from Wood
Green are the Prince of Wales's Hospital, Tottenham, the North
Middlesex Hospital, Edmonton, and the Royal Northern Hospital,
Holloway. All of these are accessible by tram or bus.
During the year the Council contributed £400 to the Passmore
Edwards Hospital, £100 to the Prince of Wales's Hospital, and
£50 to the Royal Northern Hospital.