London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Barnet 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Barnet UDC]

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employees, are mainly skilled workers at dental manufacturing,
lithographic, and photographic printing works.
Poor-law relief is supplied by a large Workhouse and
Infirmary, the Medical Officer and Relieving Officer being
resident in the district.
The Victoria Cottage Hospital affords additional medical
relief for the working and artisan classes.
The population of Barnet taken at the Census last year
was 10,440.
In estimating the population of any district the estimate
is always made to Midsummer, and as the Census is taken in
the first quarter of the year it has been necessary to estimate
from April, 1911, to Midsummer, 1912, a period of 15
The method of estimating the population adopted by the
Registrar-General is based on the supposition that the rate
of increase during the decennial period 1911 to 1921 will be at
the same rate as in the previous decennial period. Such an
estimate no doubt would be approximately correct in a
district where the growth is more or less on a natural basis,
viz., excess of births over deaths, but in Barnet, occupying as
it does the position of a suburb of London, this method is
obviously inapplicable, the migration being an ever increasing
quantity. The more correct method in this case is to take
the number of inhabited houses at Midsummer and multiply
by the average number of persons per house existing at the
The average number of persons per house in 1911 was
4.7, and the number of occupied houses at Midsummer, 1912,
2,261. By multiplying these figures an estimated population
of 10,717 is obtained.
By the latter method the estimate of the population in
each Parish is likewise more correct.
The following table shows the number of inhabited
houses, together with the estimated population for each
Parish up to the middle of the year.
Parish. No. of Occupied Houses. Population.
Arkley 151 636
Chipping Barnet 834 4,030
Hadley 91 440
South Mimms 1,185 5,611