London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lewisham 1907

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lewisham]

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(b) Offences Other than Adulterations:
For selling five samples of margarine in unlabelled
wrappers, as required by the Margarine Act, summonses were
issued against H. A., of Kennington, but the vendor absconded.
Metropolis Management Acts:—For failing to comply
with notices served under the Metropolis Management Acts
requiring the amendment of the combined drain in connection
with the premises known as Nos. 95-105 Dartmouth Road in
bad order and condition, the owners were fined £2 2s. and
£4 4s. costs.
Proceedings taken under the Public Health (London)
Act, 1891, or Bye-laws made thereunder:—
For allowing black smoke to issue from the chimney of a
laundry in Lewisham in such quantities as to be a nuisance,
A. E. N. was fined £10 and £2 2s. costs.
For carrying out alterations to a water closet at
46 Aislibie Road without giving the necessary notice to the
Sanitary Authority, F. E. A., of Lee, was fined 5s. and 10s.
6For carrying offensive matter (i.e. fish offal) through the
Borough during prohibited hours and in vessels not properly
constructed, J. M., of Catford, was fined £1 and 2s. costs for
each offence.
Proceedings were taken against a person for failing to
notify a case of scarlet fever and for exposing the patient in a
public place, the particulars of which are given on page 78.
The details of the proceedings instituted against the
South Suburban Gas Company for an alleged effluvia nuisance
are as follows :—