London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Erith 1959

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Erith]

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E (1) Water supply
The Borough is served throughout by the Metropolitan
Water Board, the water containing some 30.8 degrees of
Almost without exception, the supply is led direct into
the premises served. Twenty four samples drawn from
various points in the district have been forwarded to the
appropriate Laboratory for bacteriological examination,
with satisfactory results.
During the prolonged drought of June-July-August,
the elevated district of Bostall was subject to low pressure
water supply. Investigation by the Metropolitan Water
Board resulted in an adjustment being made to booster
valves, subsequent to which normal pressure was resumed.
E (2) Milk supply
E(2)a Food and Drugs Act 1955. Section 37. The Milk
(Special Designations) (Specified areas) Order 1951.
In pursuance of the above Order which has operated
since 1st October 1951, all milk which is retailed in the
Borough is specially designated.
E (2)b The Milk (Special Designation) (Raw Milk) Regulations,
1949 and 1954. The Milk (Special Designation)
(Pasteurised and Sterilised Milk) Regulations, 1949 to 1953.
The designations applicable to milk sold in the Borough
are limited to "Pasteurised," "Sterilised," and "Tuberculin
Pasteurised milk must be bottled at the premises at
which it is heat treated. There are no pasteurising plants and
milk bottling establishments within the Borough.
E (2)c Bacteriological examination of milk
The following samples of designated milk from various
sources and retailed in the Borough were obtained and submitted
for examination: —
Pasturised 23
Sterilised 1
All satisfied the prescribed tests.