London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Erith 1944

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Erith]

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Dermoid 1
Meibomian Cyst 3
Exophoria 1
Dental Defects.
Considering the disturbances in the town during the year,
I think the statistics as illustrated in the following table can
be regarded as satisfactory.
The actual number of dental inspections is approximately
double that of the previous year and the dental condition of
the school children continues to improve.
It is hoped that ultimately every child will be inspected
at least once during the year, and if this can be achieved it
should reduce the number of extractions required and also
minimise the extent of conservative treatment. It is gratifying
to note that the total number of attendances for treatment
shows an increase over the previous year.

Dental Inspection and Treatment.

(1) Number of children inspected by the Dentist.

(a) Routine Age GroupsTotal
(b) Specials462
(c) TOTAL (Routine and Specials)2586
(2) Number found to require treatment870
(3) Number actually treated439
(4) Attendances made by children for treatment2588
(5) Half-days devoted to: Inspection120
(6) Fillings:— Permanent Teeth1214
Temporary Teeth175
(7) Extractions:— Permanent Teeth218
Temporary Teeth1151
(8) Administrations of general anaesthetics for extractions691
(9) Other operations:- Permanent Teeth73
Temporary Teeth12