London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

View report tables

Erith 1944

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Erith]


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59 tables in this report

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    A (1 ) b. Births.
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    A(l)e. Vital Statistics of Whole District during 1944 and previous years.
    YearPopulation ssti-inated to middle of each yearBirthsTotal Deaths registered in the DistrictTransferable DeathsNett Deaths belonging t» the District
    Uncorrected NumberNettol Nun-i em-dents registered in the Districtot residents not registered in the DistrictUnder i year of ageAt all Ages
    No.Rate per 1000 nett BirthsNo.Rate
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    A (1 ) f. Table showing Summary of Causes of Death during the year ended 31st December, 1944.
    Cause of DeathMalesFemalesTotal
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    A(1 )g. Table showing Birth-rate, Death-rate, and Analysis of Mortality during the year 1944. Provisional figures. The mortality rates for England and Wales refer to the whole population, hut for London and the towns to civilians only
    Rate per 1,000 total populationAnnual Death-rate per 1,000 populationKate per 1,000 Live Births
    Live BirthsStill Bii thsAll CausesTyphoid and ParatyphoidSmall-poxMeaslesSea 1 let FeverWhooping CoughDiphthet iaInfluenzaDiarrhoea & Enteritis (under Two years)Total Deaths under one year
  • Page 12
    A (2). Since 1920 there have been 14,894 births with 40 materna deaths, as shown beiow, giving a Maternal Mortality rate o: 2.6.
    YearMaternal DeathsTotai Births (including still births)Registered Live Births
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    TABLE I. Deaths from :
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    TABLE II. Deaths from:
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    An analysis of the remaining 18 deaths is as follows:— TABLE III. Deaths from :
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    TABLE IV. Children admitted to hospitals or institutions were as follows:—
    Outside Borough.Within Borough.Total Number.
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    I have included a table showing the Infantile Mortality at 5 year intervals for the past 25 years and for 1944.
    ErithEngland and Wales
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    A (4). Unemployment Figures and Comments. With the courteous co-operation of the Manager of the Erith Employment Exchange, it once again is possible to give definite figures on the state of unemployment in the District, as shown in the following table.
    Year endingAdultsYoung Persons
  • Page 18
    N.B. This table compiled ion figures of births actually notified in district.
    MonthBirthsSexLegitimacyNotified by
    LiveSubornMLeg.Meg.MidwivesHosp. etc.Doctors
  • Page 19
    Infant Welfare Centres.
    Infants weighedConsultationsInfants weighedConsultationsInfants weighedConsultationsinfants weighedConsultations
    Under 1 year1 to 5 yearsUnder 1 year1 to 5 yearsUnder 1 year1 to 5 yearsUnder 1 year1 to 5 years
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    B(4). Home Visits by Health Visitors.
    1942ChildrenSpecial VisitsExpectant MothersInfant Life ProtectionTotal Yrisits
    1st VisitsRe-VisitsStill-BirthsOthers
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    The following table illustrates the admissions during the last eight years to the Hainault Maternity Home.
    YearAdmisriousNo. of Beds
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    B 5 b.Anti netal.
    Ante-natal patients seen by Doctor 1914
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    The conditions for which they were admitted were as follows :
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    B(6). Infant Life Protection.
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    6(9). Home Help. The Council's Home Help Scheme continued to function throughout the year, and the following figures will show the extent to which it was used:—
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    C (2). TABLES. C(2)a. Notifications. The following table shows the total notifications received during the year 1944:—
    DiseaseTotal cases notifiedCases admitted to infectious diseases hospitalTotal Deaths
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    Age Distribution. This second table shows, in detail, the age distribution of the notified infectious diseases mentioned above
    DiseaseAge GroupsTotals
    under 112345101520354565over 65
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    Table showing Details of Cases Treated etc. following Notification under the Scabies Order.
    MonthCases showing symptona and treatedContacts not showing symptons but treatedTotalContacts examined not showing symptons and not treatedNo. of second treatments givenNo. of families involvedNo. of items disinfestedVisits by Nurse Visitor
    Preliminary VisitsFollow up visitsTotal
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    The following table will indicate the number of cases dealt with:—
    DiphtheriaDiphtheria and Whooping Cough Injections
    1st Injection.2nd Injection.
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    C(7)b. Table i. Particulars of New Cases and Deaths.
    Age PeriodsNew CasesDeaths
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    Table (ii). Quarterly Statements.
    1st Quarter2nd Quarter3rd Quarter4th Quarter
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    Mr. A. Alexander again acted as your consulting aural surgeon, and the following shows the number of cases dealt with:—
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    The following records the cases seen at the aural clinic at Bedonwell during the year:—
    New Cases.Re-examinations.Total No. Attendances.
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    During 1944 the service was utilised as shown in the following table:—
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    E(2). Cowsheds, Dairies and Milk Stores. The current register of cowsheds, dairies and milk stores, records the following registration figures:—
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    E(4). Examination of Milk for Tubercle Bacilli. The following samples of bulk milk supply were obtained during the year at cowshed premises within the Borough.
    Herd.Number of Cows.Result of Biological Test.
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    E(5)a. Designated Milk. The following table indicates the number of licences issued by the Local Authority in 1944, under the Milk (Special Designations) Order 1936.
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    E(6). Food and Drugs Act 1938, Sections 3 and 68. The following samples were procured during the year, and submitted to the Public Analyst for analysis:—
    Nature of SampleAdulteratedGenuineNo. of Samples
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    E(7). Meat and Food Inspection. The usual time and attention has been devoted to the inspection of meat and other foods in stores and shops, and the following articles were confiscated as being unfit for human consumption:—
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    F(1)b. Premises visited and results of such visits.
    PremisesNo. in DistrictNo. of visits »944No. of defects foundNo. of defects remedied
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    HOUSING. F(2)a. Inspection of Dwelling Houses during year.
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    F(2)b. Proceedings under Public Health Act.
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    F(3)c. Factories. (i) Inspections for the purpose of provisions as to health are detailed below:—
    PremisesNumber of
    InspectionsWritten NoticesOccupiers Prosecuted
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    ParticularsNumber of DefectsNumber of defects in respect of which prosecutions were instituted
    FoundRemediedReferred to H M Inspector
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    G(l)d. Details of the Tonnage dealt with during the year.
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    C (1) f. Salvage. The following table gives details regarding the collection and disposal of salvage during the year:—
    Items.Tonnage Collected.£s.d.
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    An analysis of the quotation on population is as follows : —
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    At the end of 1944, there were 3,882 children on the roll of the elementarv schools, distributed as follows: —
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    The following table gives the number of routine medical examinations made during the last eight years : —
    YearNo. of School Children on RegisterNo. of Routine Medical Exams.Percentage of Children examined (R.M.I.)
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    The following table illustrates the number of attendances at the school canteens, including holiday periods, during the year : —
    North HeathBedonwellPicardySt. AugustinesWest St. & St. FidelisCrescent RoadBedonwell NurseryCrescent Rd. Nursery
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    Dental Inspection and Treatment. (1) Number of children inspected by the Dentist.
    (a) Routine Age GroupsTotal
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    The following is a list of cases which have attended the clinic:—
    School Children.Infant Welfare.
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    Continued from previous page...
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    Continued from previous page...
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    The following table illustrates the number of school children immunised:—
    Under 5 years5—15 yearsUnder 5 vears
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    TABLE I. Medical Inspections of Children Attending Public Elementary Schools. A.—Routine Medical Inspection.
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    Age-G roupsNumber of Children inspectedA ExcellentB NormalC Slightly subnormalD Bad
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    TABLE III. Return of all Exceptional Children in the Area. Blind Children.
    At Certified Schools for the Blind.At Public Elementary Schools.At Other InstitutionsAt no School or InstitutionTotal
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    Deaf Children.
    At Certified Schools for the DeafAt Public Elementary SchoolsAt other InstitutionsAt no School or InstitutionTotal
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    Mentally Defective Children. FEEBLE MINDED CHILDREN.
    At Certified Schools for Mentally Defective ChildrenAt Public Elementary SchoolsAt other InstitutionsAt no School or InstitutionTotal
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    TABLE IV. Return of Defects Treated during the Year ended 31st December, 1944. TREATMENT TABLE. GROUP I.— MINOR AILMENTS. (excluding Uncleanliness, for which see Group V).
    Disease or Defect 1Nuirber of Delects treated, or under treatment during the year
    Under the Authority's Scheme 2Otherwise 3Total 4
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    GROUP II.—DEFECTIVE VISION AND SQUINT (excluding Minor Eye Defects treated as Minor Ailments—Group I).
    Defect or DiseaseNumber of Defects dealt with
    Under the Authority's SchemeOtherwiseTotal
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    Under the Authority's Scheme, in Clinic or HospitalBy Private Practitioner or Hospital, apart from the Authority's SchemeRecived other froms of TreatmentTotal number TreatmentTotal
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    Under the Authority's Scheme (1)Otherwise (2)Total number treated
    Residential treatment with educationResidential treatment without educationNon-Residential treatment at an orthopaedic-clinicResidential treatment with educationResidential treatment without educationNon-Residential treatment at an orthopaedic clinic