London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Erith 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Erith]

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E (7) i. Health Education.
Rat Week.
Rat Week was observed in Erith during the week commencing
7th November. Large posters were displayed on the
Council's advertising boards, affixed to various Council vehicles
and announcements were inserted in the local Press inviting
the co-operation of the public with the Local Authority's
Officers in destroying rats and mice. Literature as prescribed
by the Ministry of Agriculture was supplied to the public on
request at the office of the Health Department. Special visits
and inspections were carried out at factories, food preparing
premises, slaughterhouses and open spaces, etc., where the Rat
Officers acted in an advisory capacity. In addition to the help
and advice always available from this Department in the
destruction of these vermin, free issues of vermicide were
available at this time.
E(7)j. Eradication of Bed Bugs.
During 1938, 34 dwellinghouses were found to be infested
with vermin and subsequently disinfested as under:—
Private dwellinghouses 25
Council houses 9
Infestation of dwellinghouses by the bed bug is invariably
located by the Sanitary Inspectors whilst carrying out Housing
Inspections. The elimination process includes immediate communication
with the owner who is requested to arrange for the
removal of wallpaper, picture rails, etc. and proceed forthwith
with disinfestation by means of spraying, fumigation or by use
of a blow lamp. It is insisted that the work proceeds under
the direction of a Sanitary Inspector, and that all infested household
effects be surrendered with a view to destruction. To
avoid a repetition of such verminous conditions, the Inspectors
indicate to the tenants suitable remedial measures which may
be employed by them, and the necessary re-visits are made to
determine that improvement is effected.
The disinfestation of Council houses is carried out by the
Borough Surveyor's Department. The disinfestation methods
utilised include the use of Solution 'B' or alternatively Cimex
Fumigating Blocks.
Where the effects of a tenant due for removal to a Council
house is found to be infested, furniture and other articles are
subjected to Cyanide Fumigation by Contractors, who work
under the supervision of the Health Department, prior to
rehousing of such tenant.