London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ealing 1952

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ealing]

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Food and Drugs Act 1938.
Food and Drugs (Milk, Dairies and Artificial Cream) Act, 1950.
Milk and Dairies Regulations, 1949, Etc.
Complaints received 38
Inspections of Milk Purveyors' Premises 103
Contravention of Regulations 3
Inspections of Ice Cream Premises 320
Food Inspections 1,183
Inspections of Food premises 2,258
Contraventions found 194
Notices served 139
Proceedings before Magistrates 5
Samples of Milk taken 59
Samples of Ice Cream taken 96
Samples of Synthetic Cream taken 28
Samples of other foods taken 16
Legal Proceedings.
Food and Drugs Act, 1938. Sec. 9.
The following four cases relating to the sale of unsound food
were the subject of legal proceedings :
1 & 2. Unsound fruit pies—Fines of £10. 10s. 0d. on each of
two charges were imposed and £3. 3s. 0d. costs
3. Bandage in bread—a fine of £5. 5s. 0d. was imposed
and £1. 1s. 0d. costs awarded.
4. Petrol jelly in milk—a fine of £5 was imposed and
£2. 2s. 0d. costs awarded.
Food and Drugs Act, 1938. Sec. 13.
A Summons taken against a firm of grocers for not having a
sufficient supply of hot water on the premises was dismissed, it
being held by the Magistrates that a kettle on a gas ring was a
sufficient supply in the circumstances of this particular case.
Milk Supply.
There are 77 registered distributors of milk in the Borough.
During the year licences for the sale of milk under the Milk
(Special Designation) Regulations were granted as follows :—