London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Beckenham 1953

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Beckenham]

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Ice Cream Sampling.
Fifty-one samples of Ice Cream were examined during the year.
No pathogenic organisms were isolated from the samples. Nine of the
samples proved to be unsatisfactory in that they showed a degree of
contamination. This does not mean that the ice cream was unfit for
consumption, but rather is an indication that all possible care in the
use of sterile equipment had not been taken. The receipt of such a
result brings about a very close check on the manufacturer's premises,
and further sampling until a satisfactory result is obtained.
The Council undertakes, free of charge, the disinfection of rooms,
articles of clothing and bedding, after cases of Tuberculosis and occasionally,
other Infectious Diseases. Many requests are received from
residents for the steam disinfection of bedding, etc., after cases of
illness other than infectious disease. The requests are met but a charge
is made for the service. During 1953, 66 applications were received
and accounts rendered for £46 7s. Od.
During the year, 169 Library books were collected from homes
where infectious disease had occurred, disinfected and returned to the
Library of origin.
As will be seen from the Table of nuisances remedied, 200 instances
of choked drains were discovered during the year. A great many of
these chokages related to public sewers, i.e. drains receiving wastes of
two or more houses.
The Council accepts as a legal responsibility the clearance of public
sewers and the work is undertaken without any charge being made to
the owners or occupiers of the properties. Of the 200 cases discovered,
however, 26 related to private drainage, and in these cases, a charge
is made for the work undertaken. Accounts were rendered for£640s.0d.
for this work.
The repair of combined drains is also undertaken by the Council
in accordance with statute, the cost of works being recovered from the
owners of the properties concerned. In this connection, accounts were
rendered for £659 18s. Id.
Water Supply.
The water supply of the area has been satisfactory in quality and
quantity, the Metropolitan Water Board supplying all properties in the
area by main.
Bacteriological examination has been regular, 36 samples being
taken during the year. All proved to be satisfactory.