London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of London 1923

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for London, City of ]

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It is very difficult to obtain accurate knowledge of the number of occupants
of tenements. Truthful statements are not always forthcoming, and such information
as is given can only be checked by regular night visits at hours when all the
occupants are at home. Where overcrowding is discovered, of course, immediate
steps are taken to remedy the complaint. In table 10 of the Census report,
it appears that 214 dwellings were occupied by caretakers.
In comparing the census year 1921 with 1911, it will be seen that the number of
private families occupying one room has decreased from 13.0 to 9.9 and of those
occupying two rooms the decrease is from 26.0 to 24.7. There is an increase in
the number of families occupying tenements of three and four rooms. The actual
percentages are shown in the last two lines of the table.
OFFICIAL STATISTICS OF HOUSING.—The following particulars have
been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health.
Action which will subsequently be taken in respect of the totals set out in paragraphs
1 (3) and 1 (4) is under consideration by the Sanitary Committee.
Number of new houses erected during the year :—
(a) Total Nil.
(b) With State assistance under the Housing Acts, 1919 or 1923 :-
(i.) By the Local Authority Nil.
(ii.) By other bodies or persons Nil.
1. Unfit Dwelling Houses.
Inspection—(1) Total number of dwelling houses inspected for housing defects
(under Public Health or Housing Acts) 935
(2) Number of dwelling houses which were inspected and recorded under the Housing
(Inspection of District) Regulations, 1910 375
(3) Number of dwelling houses found to be in a state so dangerous or injurious to
health as to be unfit for human habitation 40
(4) Number of dwelling houses (exclusive of those referred to under the preceding subheading)
found not to be in all respects reasonably fit for human habitation 40
2. Remedy of Defects without Service of formal Notices.
Number of defective dwelling houses rendered fit in consequence of informal action by
the Local Authority or their Officers 183
3. Action under Statutory Powers.
A.—Proceedings under Section 28 of the Housing, Town Planning, &c., Act, 1919.
(1) Number of dwelling houses in respect of which notices were served requiring
repairs Nil.
(2) Number of dwelling houses which were rendered fit :—
(a) by owners Nil.
(b) by Local Authority in default of owners Nil.
(3) Number of dwelling houses in respect of which Closing Orders became operative
in pursuance of declarations by owners of intention to close Nil.
B.—Proceedings under Public Health Acts.
(1) Number of dwelling houses in respect of which notices were served requiring
defects to be remedied 240
(2) Number of dwelling houses in which defects were remedied :—
(a) by owners 214
(b) by Local Authority in default of owners Nil.
C.—Proceedings under Sections 17 and 18 of the Housing, Town Planning, &c., Act,
(1) Number of representations made with a view to the making of Closing Orders Nil.
(2) Number of dwelling houses in respect of which Closing Orders were made Nil.
(3) Number of dwelling houses in respect of which Closing Orders were determined,
the dwelling houses having been rendered fit Nil.
(4) Number of dwelling houses in respect of which Demolition Orders were made Nil.
(5) Number of dwelling houses demolished in pursuance of Demolition Orders Nil.
A system of voluntary registration of hairdressers' establishments with the
Department of the Medical Officer of Health was instituted in 1904. At one time
there were 32 establishments registered in the books of this Department. This
number has now, however, been reduced to six. This reduction has been gradual
and doubtless results from the facilities offered by the Corporation, through the
County Purposes Committee, for the proprietors of hairdressing establishments
to obtain the statutory registration provided for by the London County Council
(General Powers) Acts of 1915 and 1920. These Acts deal with the control and