London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1908

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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142 Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
yards, which extended into several of the basements. Notices
were served on the owners, and although some of the occupiers
vacated the houses, no work was done to permanently
abate the nuisance. The matter came before the magistrate
and was adjourned, as the owners promised to arrange with
the Ranelagh Club, whose premises adjoin the houses, to construct
a drain to the Beverley Brook. This was done and all
the water was satisfactorily drained away. The subsoil and
the basements still continued damp and I advised the owners
to construct a drain in the yards to discharge into the drain
which had been made by the Ranelagh Club, and at present
this is being done. The owners have also carried out a considerable
amount of other work in the houses themselves, sothat
they will, during the current year, be again rendered fit
for habitation.
(8.) Special inspections were made in Fairfield and part of Southfield
Wards for the purpose of ascertaining the number of
empty houses in these districts available for the working
classes. This inspection was necessary to enable me to give
evidence at the Local Government Board Inquiry into the
demolition of houses in Fairfield Ward by the Wandsworthand
Putney Gas Light and Coke Company.
(9.) Special house-to-house inspections were made in the following
streets during the year :—
St. Alphonsus Road.
Lower Orchard Street.
Nelson's Row.
White Square.
Carfax Square.
Norroy Road.
Weiss Road.
Biggs' Row.
Russell Place.
Brewhouse Lane.