London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1900

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Parish of Wandsworth.
April, and three in May, but in no month during the
year was there no notification received.
In every case due precautions were taken to prevent
the spread of the disease, and in every case this was
The corrected death-rate from fever was .19 per
1,000, compared with .07 in 1899 and .09 in 1898, while
the rate for all London was .15 in 1900, .16 in 1899, and
.12 in 1898. The rate for England and Wales was 17
per 1,000.
puerperal There were only two cases with one death
Fever. notified, compared with 4 cases and 1 death
in 1899.
110 cases were notified and 7 deaths
suited, compared with 96 cases and 3
deaths in 1899.
Measles deaths were registered during the year,
2 of these occurring in the Union Infirmary.
The death-rate was .48 per 1,000 compared with .28 in
1899, and in the Metropolis .42 per 1,000, compared with
47 in 1899.
The following Table shows the number of cases
notified to me by the teachers in the several Board Schools
in the parish, and although it by no means gives an
accurate statement of the cases that occurred, yet it shows
approximately the localities in the parish where Measles,
as well as the other diseases shown, was most prevalent
during the year.