London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1888

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth District, The Board of Works (Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting & Wandsworth)]

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Deaths occurring In Table III all the deaths occurring in
in Putney
and Roehampton. Putney and Roehampton are recorded and
classified according to sex. age and social position and
cause of death 40 deaths occurred among children under
1 year of age which is equivalent to 21.3 per cent. of
the total number of deaths. At 90 years of age and upwards
53 deaths occurred, or a per centage of the total
of 28.3.
In order to have a better idea of the mortality among
children under 1 year of age, it is obviously necessary
to compare the mortality with the number of births recorded
during the year. For this purpose it is convenient
to express the number of deaths occurring, in
relation to a thousand births registered. Expressed thus,
there were 109 deaths per 1000 births. Last year there
were 151 deaths per 1000 births. This is known as The
Infantile Death-rate. London generally showed an
Infantile Death-Rate of 146, and the average of the 28
great towns of England and Wales was 154. Our figures
this year are therefore very satisfactory when compared
with these. This is doubtless to a large extent due to
the facts that the population of this sub-district contains
probably a larger proportion of the well-to-do classes, and
that the population is not nearly so dense as in most
other neighbourhoods. There are only 7 inhabitants to
1 acre.
Social Position The relative number of deaths in the
of Deceased.
different social grades are given as follows:
Nobility and Gentry 0=0 per cent.
Professional Class. 34 = 18.2 ,,
Middle and Trading 39 = 20.9 ,,
Industrial and Labouring 144 = 60.9 „
The Labouring and Industrial classes yield therefore
00*9 of the total number of deaths. Last year the per-