London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stoke Newington 1911

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stoke Newington, The Metropolitan Borough]

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St. Marylebone (-11.3), and Chelsea (-10.1). Only one constituent
of London's “Outer Ring” actually decreased in population,
namely, the urban district of Penge (-0.6). The population in the
rural part of the “Outer Ring” increased by 54,799, no less than
14,591 of this change being credited to the rural parish of Mitcham.
Nearly all the larger towns showed a conspicuous diminution of
the population in their central parts; and in some cases, where municipal
boundaries enclose a minimum of “suburb,” the population of the
town as a whole had diminished.
In London, the population of the administrative county was
4,522,961, less by 13,306 than that in 1901. In. so-called “Greater
London,” however, there were 7,252,963 inhabitants; over half a
million more than at the previous Census.
The publication of the Census figures has shown that many
calculated death-rates throughout the country have been serioush
understated during the last few years. In the interest of accurate
statistical work it may be hoped that the usual official objection to an
intermediate Census may be overcome before 1916.
According to the Census of 1901 the population of the Borough
was then 51,247. By the recent Census of 1911 the population for
the same area was shown to have decreased during the 10 years to the
extent of nearly 600. In this Report the rates are based on the
estimated population for the middle of the year 1911, and the figure,
calculated 'logarithmically from the difference between the populations
of 1901 and 1911, amounts to 50,669.
In my last Annual Report I estimated the population by the
method adopted by the Registrar-General, which assumes that the
rate of increase in the population between the last two Censuses is
maintained. The population thus estimated reached a figure of
54,458, which was in my opinion too high; and I stated that it was