London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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Quantity Produced.
As Manufactured. Gallons.As Issued. (v.e., Weaker Solution.) Gallons.Electricity Consumed. Units.
No. 1 Apparatus28,41563,0409,807½
No. 2 Apparatus27,81473,39110,768

1,025 gallons were supplied to London County Council Elementary
Schools for spraying and cleansing floors of classrooms.
Cleansing of Verminous School Children.

The arrangements for cleansing of verminous school children were continued throughout the year.

Quarter.Number of Children Cleansed.Total number of Cleansings.Amount payable by L.C.C. to the Borough Council.

Miss Landray made 35 visits in connection with verminous schoolchildren
and 462 visits in connection with children suffering from Scabies.
Arrangements were made for the children to be bathed, and for bedding
and clothing to be disinfested.
Cleansing of Persons.
During the year, 285 persons—including 15 from common and seamen's
lodging houses (see next page)—applied for baths and for their clothes
to be disinfested.