London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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Motor Vehicles.

Vehicle.Speedometer register (miles).Petrol consumption (gallons).Average m.p.g.
Blue Van4,4702$915.4
Brown Van5,32534715.3
Medical Officer of Health's Car7,00551713.5
Special Vehicle for Contacts6,274590½10.6

Electrolytic Disinfecting Fluid.
The electrolytic disinfecting fluid as manufactured contains approximately
9-10 grammes per litre of free chlorine and is broken down to a
strength of approximately 4 grammes per litre for distribution.
During the year 56,229 gallons were manufactured and broken
down to 136,431 gallons of weaker solution for distribution.
The production of the solution at a strength of 4 grammes of available
chlorine per litre has averaged 124,857 gallons per annum for three years
at an average annual cost of £2,053, the cost per gallon thus being
nearly 4d.